Lawsuit 296: All your Personal Perfect Life (Year after year Studies groups, the MD indicator lights 6+1 to 4+1), the reason how you feeling confident, and being supported felt.

Date: Sep 6th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Underground Fighting (Big Hero 6) + Twlight (High School Repeat town to town)

From my observation, there are too many too many of this people's faces are on the TV are directly coming from near me, that including one ADD condition and there are many unseen, including the parents groups.

While you feeling your worlds are perfectly supported, to that all around you, are the party human knowing why they showing up there, I will kindly suggest you one lawsuit I can or I cannot file....that is Khan Academia on Youtube, I will describe this story to you, you make your own judgement after.

This none profit organization came after me the Youtube Channel Organic Chemistry: Yourformulasheet background all this blackness color. To the recent, there is another person does the exact things, all blacken. 

My video were in the white sheet. 

He is an Indian, the Google CEO and UB 5 Lakes ends are also the Indian University Principle after President Simpson 2020. 

These what you might or may not find out things as the yearly repeated, not returning to their home town, plotting people working hard to make it groups, I will say their background were that pre-med schooling time how to combat that studying GPA grades to MCAT. That eventually let some going to those International Medical School.

My roommate was a gf from an indian US MLE failing first time student, you have only 2 times taken tests each. That makes 3 USMLE.


If you imagine your own friends never telling you, they were using your channels, to when one day you have to lose all the channel, before making a money, and all of you doing nothing but hurting me because you can....that they still on that same book year after year staring at the Black Board.

Don't you agree what that hell life after, you will find out, or you should, paying the money to the American court, knowing it, what your perfect life to feeling supports, it might just everyone failing, and cage in that study books, never finished, until they make it those Grades.

So these underground fighting statues to how everyone entrance the local, or passing by, they will NEVER NEVER NEVER just plot you on showing up, "What's up, our new celebrity?"

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