

Babaji: Go

I do some exchange with Kail. Zawanna is wounded.

Not about you all story. I deal with it later.

Let me say this, do you believe you have a twin, your future coming back?

Its called Three Esteem Reviews, you believe the Past, Present and the Future? 

Whom coming back? Your best friends, your yourself?

"Do you remember? The promise? This one life."

You want to see whom this is? My new Channel subscriber?


Now I think of it...that is "I Am ㄣ" That will look like Thunder drawing symbol.

In Chinese meaning...gratitude. Some human prefer the disciples of someone....ELSE. Don't make your life so waste living someone else shoes, remember?

❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️If Tony Robbin it’s a girl….❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 wa hahahahahaha…..(video upload)

 The only most amusing things I ever heard, laterly to laugh !!

I am so tired, I go to nap. With all of this.

 Babaji: Go

When a groups of professional, shaping language are different from one and another, you can just leave when the dates come, you had enough....

Eben, you hear that?

That is a group of people that will be different language of yours.

Energy its when you are too expensive to afford anyone care you exist or not. You leave, when you feel like you don't fit it anymore. That door forever opens. 

No, i don't need your service. I told you the reason how BTX ends up....you are the second one reason.  

Life how you so cared about those skunt friends, how many are ending up in jails, really starting that Tony Robbin....I wonder its so cool and handsome reason you all meeting it together. When you done, why you coming forward, whichever reasons you want to make yourself a point, say it.

Months, year...when you get up and leave.

You know nick hurt me day in day out with all kinds of girls issues. Ladies on the facebook, do you guys investigated?

Its every day, so long years passing by, I cannot breath, and this is your America military mean no matter what my life forces got deterioate, no matter what.....which hurts more? I still have to have it? 

I want him dead. 

Ancient Chasez coming back. When he was not back, I do think of him, but I have to face the world. Tell me, when Eben shrink in that Coco Club, where is him, did he arrive in Taiwan, how that Tesla drifting away unsemble?


Did he arrive here Taiwan?

If he dead, I would not EVER want him back at all, I can careless what story its that. None of us can breath, because of one Eben Pagan. 

Kail its in Red River Manga, that story I partition.  

I will keep him near, yeah. That is what you all meant it by business. 

Between 花冠安琪兒

Between Red River Manga

Between Sailor Moon.

I rather have 花冠安琪兒, but Ancient Chasez says going for that Red River Manga, so I probably will in the end choosing that. There its the Court Meeting Kail, Partition. Karma Annulation. 

Whatever the story, including the American military.

Vanish me. 

So go to your court, figure it out. Everyone interested, other than mine interested. 

You can put his house somewhere he belongs to. I don't need to be associate any legal term. Called common-in-law. I can careless he says yeh or neh about the words or language or the classroom finish it or not. Everyone does something for only the reason how to live that life, other than mine life.

My position its only, everyone life for my life, you die on the street, you will live only my life. 

We clear? I really rather to die inside my own home, not one noise, of that TV turning on, one music I hear a words of that sounding, at all, we clear?

No music in this world or beyond. I hate music, FOREVER.

I gonna go eat and watching the news.

Babaji: Go

I know what my facebook looks like, so I deal with them the way I deal upon.

You don't have to believe what approach to me I deal upon my facebook. We were friends. 

No, you don't have to raise a pet in China. But what you gonna do in China? Learning Chinese? The evolutionary biology. I think they meant I just bring my stuffs over...one of the possibility, they saying that. As for how happy I am they meant I am be happy, its how much you efforts you see the commodity, to what first, you still have to learn the simplify Chinese. 

Eben might just have nothing else to do beside I am working all day longs really. 

You know, there is a concepts of Web 2.0, that is me doing it. But you all coming to China, with what? Harry Potter What story?

Yeah...that is how you coming in. The Harry Potter story. I think that is how they written that, might be including that Beauty and the Beast. I just don't know where they decompose, your entire 250 human. That is like a Town? per house unit?

We sort the movies all together, I think they meant that too. Be happy. Apparently they believing it, you all will be happy, by WATCHING the movies? I heard that is what they say, the details I don't really know how they arrange that, how does the ENTIRE packs of people focus on the Movies.


To the people like me seeing it, I will tell you, I don't see myself, or why we care about the proposal difficulty, being with another human being to make a fame. 

Beauty and the Beast, you might just ask the Congress, selling the commodity, to accumulate the wealth, your own personal photo like SMCH. That is a commodity. And then you going into partner with one person alone life. Its another lonely life, but its a story, that the public always just meant its two people in the family household sounds right. 

I think there are a lot of things happening in the local UB all around....between the guys and the girls when I am busy, setting up stuffs in the air.....all this yeh or neh things you hear from me saying it on the Eastern World Orients sides. 

The Congress might just handle all together, its every family household being affected, not just you few people family household.

If you are saying Karma = 400 Millions dollars, SMCH she keep saying she meditate a lot of points, to that calculation of the merits points. I heard the most, are the Eon or Kalpha Buddha Born, Shakymuni Buddha, those merits are documents.

Its Eon after Eon, Kalpha after Kalpha.

A lot of people like in this world, if every Master of lineage heard a bit, everyone all can pitch in few degree of merit points. They all willing to do. Those things people don't take a scratch, or a hurt or a bleeding something so badly affecting us.

These things its the more you doing it, the less effect will be upon you. Your heart, your soul, your mind.

40 years its a long time, we good luck, to you....whenever on your table the moment, to that everyday happiness there after.


There is no exit.

You like the magic talk, how is Catherine, you both getting along? Calling each other, parents?

Isn't you be happy, and same like becomes the darkness you ever wished, ....to then, later get jailed, but still, you doing something you happy to proven it the worth influence of the friends? 

You agree? 

You want to say you are doing a different magic? 

Do you call Dr. Steven Hairfield on Skype, per hourly rate, to proven them, those Tibetan knew what is magic world? They are very known! 

Wing, i personally can just tell you, he says No. He doesn't do the magic. He does Ice Cream Scoop, those are physical works standing there, no fantasy to say MAGIC Head Red on Deficit.

You see Dean or Wing are friends of mine. I support them more. Their.....other half, if they want to include them I welcome all. Be courterous, not a BAD face?

But if Dean and Wing are tired of that Past Life of the Past 16 years, whichever that is....I Anna support them, just them alone, coming alone?

Whatever say don't say, making no meaning whatsoever, just rest, find what you need, we plan, and continue that plans? Live life. 

Your target assignments are to collecting things to make a ONE Big Happy Family. How I deal with the other girls, I also deal with each of them too. 

Does your parents have your book listing names, and pages numbers, what you reading day red?

Yeah?  Melinda or Emily, one of them are the shortest girls. Same its Hira, Fatima, Jonas Pharm girl. Very short. You are team up with them.

I wonder you all gather to compare the height? Melinda needs shoes.

When people side by side the character, like you showing up on the TV by you and your friends talking. Me and Wing talking, me and Dean talking, including whichever that Lee or whom else Anna or Ana.....

You have your own table friends, you just film it.

We compare?

Everyone sees?

Because that is not the TV says, me Anna saying many things about Wing, about Dean. They are happy they will smile, if they are not stress at the jobs, they will go on fitness, and be happy with life, they talk clear, they do things in the normal sense. Do you know what is the normal sense doing things? 

Just be Happy with their own happy world. 

We don't know why ET throw a bunch of things down, targeting us, in UB? But I Anna go and collecting my facebook as the First Step

Second Step: We plan and write the proposal.

Third Step: We action out the plan

The guys cannot do everything on this side of the world where Anna I am, so I film it to show to the entire World including the Ub my facebook them. Everyone put on the same pages, you think everyone just thinking ill, or just gladly to participate, happy people just be happy, and finding a way, talk about, discuss, and there are every movies, I Anna don't watch? 

Right now that is Wing and Me, thinking about it the plans. He might be just right in the China where we are, and he fly to Japan for his contact lens to check things, and come back reporting?

You think we as a group, knowing what we are doing? Everyone has to connect to finding things out. Including your parents or sibling, if they are doing their own Poland stuffs, Julie?

What's wrong everyone getting a happy life, name or no name, what is so big deal of what that is? You don't have a life to live, a tape water opening everyday to clean?

You focus on the life right in front of you.

The Truth is : A lot of real Jobs stress are very very high. I tell you, the guys bearing on it.

At home, a girl does everything for him to come back rested. Including try to share that bill, anyway possible, a relationship establishment to all around. Food costs lower, combine bill, to eat healthy, he can forget making food, because a girl does all things.

And a girl is more happy, more time to cleaning the period, stay home for the pain, and the guys can confront that bigger world himself, with a support inside a home, they build together.

Be happy, you know what that means, being together happy? 

Meaning no ex-wife problems, like nick used to have? It was so stressful both the jobs or at the home? 

You taken for grant, that lifestyle so that Guy needs to begging you.

You should just go to hell with it. 

Shut up~!

Facing a Real World outside, its not a girls natural tendency jobs, not even for many guys. When you could provide to any degree of helping another household, its because you are taken that responsibility, you wish that within the country, its everyone become better, become money sustain, and you give that to the World, hoping all of them will grow one day.

To one day of Every possibility, you carry that Prophecy from that Babaji saying 2000, as the only decree and abide to his teaching, you understand?

To every humanity. 

Selfishness will doom to that jealousy, or envy, or imagination to one day Crime.

If those screen not hinted enough, you sent yourself to the police, its what you ought to be doing, at least knowing, something in the end, its you just die on the street, that's all. Nothing else. 

Movie Keywords:

You have a Best Friend (Lovely Bone)

Magic (Frozen)

Iron"ic" (Iron Man)

Prince Wife Car crash, and scandle. (Yogi Bear)

Like each other (Jailed)

Witch (Nicole Kidman)

Why don't you focus on your own painting?

That is your background? Everyone has a passing, no one sin in the future? How do you saying that for re-demption?

Everyone has a Past.

You want to kneel now, in front of Wing's house 3 days 3 nights, Dean's house 3 days 3 nights?

Whatever you see SMCH as if a Big Shot Jokers in Jails?

That is All of them the dsiciples have nothing but kneel there, crawling for their life after life Karma, no matter what karma is that to her SMCH? Everyone has no shame doing it, for just even one full life kneeling, they ask for liberation from that life after life no more Samsara Cycle or Reincarnation Enlightenment?

Pride too high, someone nurture you this far, to believing the false?

How great that I am.

Are you in front of your parents?

Kneel, put your entire body flat on the floor, stays there.

Is that shameful? Its just a practice. Whenever this King of all Kings shows up, everyone we all have to bow, kneel, flat, as if I cannot do it?

Its everyone, online.

How great you feeling it? the Burn?

Let's stand together.... 

Look! Bow, Kneel....Flat, don't bother gettinig up? 

A lot of people have a lot of imagination?

Let's talk about my chinese writing to that King of King story.

Its throw everyone face whom wish to declare Kingship on the Screen.


Finished? Leisure watching TV? There is only one Kingship, no one else exist other than Him. 

If you still see the president exist, on the News Channel, its a democracy worlds. No Kingship establishment, you can say regent. 

In the democracy World establishment, the commodity, of that e-commence, you say Kingship of those wealthy as if they govenor on the Top, its their decades working hards accumulated wealth and establishment.

In most of them, are the guy's world. I told you that too many times. 

The public hearing these will decide if you come out with your service and products, its their free-will to purchase it or not, like SMCH their jewelry sale to their disciple.

A lot of people GOES to JAIL!!! They are still Kingships. Some human rather to be homeless, and not sent to jail? That is one lifetime records? 


Can you shut up, Birds?!!!!! The sky says "=" on the cloud....

In case there was no police on my records now, there is?

 I went to deal with some Comet issues for 2 years, i delay my years all the way to....37.

So I spend next year finding jobs, and still looking for the exit. 

So I Anna told you recently, I am losing weight, at the same time, there is a Shrimp sign on the bubble tea front store interior, right near by my cousin's property, to that it was near by my grandpa.

When I finish the "on-line" life, like written formats, I will go on the street, finding my way out? Not just losing the weight? And I told everyone I had some saving, and apparently you may not have that saving inside your bank? 

I started Zero at that Silicon Valley 2015. And again Zero at 2020.

I told you, Life when you trying to thinking outside the box, you will prepare to die on the street No matter what that cause is....you understand?

Life meant to be step by step, but I need to get things done, so I went ahead doing it all things. That is my spiritual belief, there is no step plans in my entire life, I remember, or else I will end up in Canada long time ago, everyone goes to the school, more schooling.

Lean on the Guys 

Like American culture its that living in the Home Depot, do you agree? When you having a house, a morgage, a bank to talk to including the insurance, or every handy freaky man jobs, like that Leo and Piper and Charmed.....its 24 hours water pipe jobs, like filtration system change, or calling someone to come by.....

The hairs are in the pipe lines. Your period stuffs are stuck inside the pipe lines. 

You want to tell me, you lean to your dad, or you lean to yourself, or ...when you getting a house, you imagine you finding a guy to solve all that for you? 

I am the Chemistry Major

We live on the roof, I think I tell you enough everything supposed to be done on the Top of the Roof. I might just sell the package to Trump, I am telling you.

Its all FREE, on the video. 


The Police may not have a records how they become.....homeless.

The Bank will.

People eat food, buying shoes, buying some branding logo polo shirt, buying a bike, buying a real motorcycle bike, they put the insurance on winter or summer. 

People outing, like traveling expense. 

People inviting their customer's line of gifts and packs. 

People's friends social often, every friday night.

And people buying loads loads t-shirt, dresses, hats, gloove, scarf.....accessory, you cannot imagine how much those are costly, and Make-up including the cosmetic preserving your skin care tones bottles.

I wonder if Lance Bass know what is the Lancone. You know how I getting that one bottle, I think its a serum. Like a thick semi-liquidish....its a liquid to tight up your skins. My skins.

My mother brought me one day those early days to a department store....I stand there. She shuffle me a bottle, so telling me to keep it! So I knew cosmetic company, one is called ....Elslouder and Lancone, and Sea Crust human on the 101 near by balcony A9?

Community where you build upon, if not your UB friends, just your Relative near by.

You can start that. Next by they have 3 renter's guy, I just never advertising to talk to them opening my mouth like....on purpose like you all cannot flirts? I run in run out of the door? 

How to make a small oven pizza, home made money? I tell you, if you brighten your face by even one sale, your relative making you feel good, you will feel very good the second sale, to your parents, the thirds sales to next by the landlord family?

There are a downstair "The Day You Found Out", its his old age wife cooked, if they are told, or I NEVER show up to be suspect, I can cook on the Top of the roof....????

When I telling you, and everyone the guys included from that UB, we copy certain things and doing it?

Its because you feel hopeful your parents, or your relative if they really will buy it! Its not the outsider, its right at your family members around you. Those are the eating food business. Sometimes just that, you have 5 sales per week, that is 5 pizza money you seeing at your door? Small things like.....you get yourself polish in life, you having a skill.

You make sure that sauce has to be perfect?

I didn't design the Italian Pizza sauce yet, I don't care about it. But if I really really really need to make a sale, I will design on it? And if people asking me what was my background, my background its Chemistry and the Medicinal Chem?

You don't understand how you perfect something, you wish others well, you wish other people be happy, you with others just become what they becoming.

You making everyone doesn't want to see your face, don't want to talk to you, don't want to contact you, don't want having anything to do with you, in Whatsoever costs.....

Is that police reading paper,....you print it out, and hand to the police the second copy, so they are not listening to your voice, by them reading that themselves, that is what it is or?

What did I say, make you feel....so humble of yourself, or you wish the police begging you? One of those? 

Does the police tell you, "Not just your attitude screw up, those people whom having some professional attitude, they also lost their house, they didn't plan their life well. " 

Do you hear one of those?

Cannot suppose to understand, the BIRDS are not supposed to talking Persian, and my map, I am not supposed to be in Egypt, and my Last name was supposed to be R, not J!

You don't understand how the birthday chart of my 32 years old, to WHEN or HOW, where everyone ends up right now? 

Let's me try again....You all human living on your own life, trying to puzzle out your money statue in your old age.

Right now I Anna only have few things in life must to deal upon when some human opening their mouth talking to me, like that one Eben Pagan.


🍇🍇 I highly doubt you will get any power in life, when you wither and shrink in....one setting of that remote far away from it out country?! 🍇🍇

When I Anna got power, I die on it, its for the public reason this World has to change.

With my words, with my saying, with my dedicating Pixie life, I will do what everyone found out things, and make it! 

You suppose to be FDA processing the Fried food, water vegetable

You suppose to washing your bed sheet, pillow case, I maid my mother.

You suppose to keep yourself clean, the personal hygenic....

You suppose to keep your office, desk, everything organize, so everyone knew your thoughts are not clusters.

You suppose to have some business mind, because most mediocre human has to be disable on the street to do some business, that public like, not the Professional Human pays the big money like. Medical, Laws....those are Governmental regulating the educational material, there is one Eternal Law how it will become 1+1= 2, then, there will be a textbook showing up. 

When my birds start to talking the human language, and not the CATS, its the Persian the birds says language, there will be everything STOP!

You can just open your mouth talking to a guy, and he never response to you, or refuse to talking to you....that's it.

There is nothing there to kidnap each other from that TV. 

And, I gonna tell you certain things in life, when you really works....some thing like a professional works like Pixie staring at 1000 monitors, to say one briefing everyone on the same pages, to share their....miserable viewing 1000 monitors.

That is 1000x efficient !

And if they really went out, to make themselves to become "the God is = the doer". oh my God, that is another 2x efficient, how you feel personally, like me.  I have no patients, you just should stay in your parents house and dead over there, or move out somewhere else, doing all that!!!

I Anna, says one thousands time, NO!


When you being together, like dating, like together,....you need to know what each other eats, spiritual belief, dating time, seeing time......sleep on the same side of bed?

Do you ever been to a relationship manual? There are habits, that people clash in life. One of the things are the diets.

If you like those fried food, candy, sugar rush, bread, snack on desserts, cheesecake.....well, Eben's jobs, at least I thought he is on that direction to teach people how to eat healthier.

I don't have any input on that direction as long as I telling you if me and he ends up talking on the table first things....like a cordious meeting, that's it.

Everyone living in their own space, sometimes just all that is.

🌭🌭🌭🌭 On the Pc 🌭🌭🌭🌭

When the map represent a military order, and you got the calls, to....pull out. I think its great! Don't you think? 

You want to talk about the Life Belief?

You have only one choice its upward civilization APO one of those, how i written forgotton mentioning.....on that website.

The civilization only goes upwards..its their own EVER main subject line.

Understand? Not impaired, not fallen in the house to say cute, not joint dislocated, you don't pay attention, and hot shower knock your head on the cabin.  If Eben thinks those things are cute, he will be out the first 5 mins he is on the table. I have no tolerant to absolutely zero things. For a very long time.

Me and Eben probably just talking, and stay together, I don't care about the paper.

I care about my Educational department Money from that Congress if becoming a "input type in College Textbook with a thick reference book or sampling those Charts only freshman buys." on that BTX, everyone dead together in one meeting, so my entire invitation letter will never arrived, or I will never SHOW UP!  

Do you know what that is you jump, flip, bounce on the movies?

It means I don't care !

You want to get fat, you die on disease. I have problems, that doesn't mean I care when I solve my weight issues, and so shall you. People are very very very subjective to their first impression when seeing things. I prefer to slim down. I didn't know the MB they meant I continue upwards, I thought he meant everyone start swallow the food down, NEVER abuse the spiritual Power. 

Now I know where that direction, the recipes books, its when the hobbit time I talking to Eben. If he goes to that direction, to that one simple things in diets, not to go too extreme, I don't like to make the raw food, taste aweful.....then, he makes his own...Every supplement things he ever likes. The house might be just big enough wherever I can leave himself at.

You can print and read 100 times my type out hard works words, if you dare change one words seeing me, phone me.

It’s out. It’s one million voltage you die.

Every one of you. 

Everything happened between you and me, you forget, that’s wing. Nick doesn’t. 


There is something I hate to the bones habhots, it’s you tell me “you don’t remember”! Someone told you history, memorize it. 

When you stay in or Governor a world itself….

You probably just sit in the house and sleep a few days and seeing your economic package. I am not sure life works in that degree.

There are something about laws you cannot wait to outlaws ….friends, associated included…

❄️❄️❄️ About several years ago, I never say about China- Taiwan relation 幾年前,我從來沒有討論或是說台灣中國事情❄️❄️❄️❄️ There are dummied fly in China border line, I heard. 有蠢子飛到中國沿海邊境,我聽說

Guess? 猜

China is no God world. I speak Ancient Chinese, did I say God? 中國是無神論,我說的是中國古文,我有說神論嗎?

I will tell you, things were that China Top to Taiwan original plans were not your American wild guess to become a commodity try-out jail sentence if you don’t know how to sway.. you business people to communism to explore internal policy interference.

They have laws …that’s as simple as I put it. Meaning the trending and the development of that law degrees does exist like a functions, open mouth to speak lawyers.

As for why or how the push of that democracy from the West World to meadowing into these Eastern poor country, there are one particular department might just delicate to that….that’s what I will tell you.

More human right, more minority right, more women right.

I personally don’t care about this right, but…

Meaning you can have any right you ever want, but that domination of the militant power will heighten to rise as well as an Iconic trending. 

A Direction to these throne Games kids. Ukraine and Russian war will cease one day …

To each UN country seated country, everyone of them can snatch their things, so you live happy in that one moderate house with or without your parents. Meaning you finding your hobbit now, and ask me. We talk. 

That’s the day without me! Understand ? If you do things outside scopes, you will be jailed. 

You don’t have to do YouTube

You don’t have to do Meds



You just live in it, and finding things to do.

I will say except your collecting junks friends. No, you don’t have to do the mentoring.


I used to tell you, yesterday, everything it’s fake in that YouTube.

There are only Medical board and Laws association board exist.

The future direction: you will all very noisy to be moved away from me.


I sent that many months ago. That’s how these houses came about. So I don’t really know where that Wing party house to be. I think it’s lawsuit ends at…probably at Japan. It takes lawsuit and they can move that statues to Japan Visa I am pretty sure they have that kinds of special visa. It’s a special circumstance. 

China is a communism but I think they are operating that mentality some spirits of talking a proper law should exist. American probably prefer that. The democracy world, that will be UN 194 country except Cuba, Vietnam or North Korea.

I told you, it’s everything false you do with that YouTube open channels everyday it’s everything fake. 

I say again, it’s only Medical and Laws exist 


Movie: ‘iRobot - that’s fantasy how a house demolish to start today ….it’s an unknown situation but it’s a fake situation.


I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

okay, I understand this now. We have several Disney, in-frame story. When you being aired inside a story, you just have to act up to that stranger.

Its a partnership. Some people choose to do it, some people cannot do it. But there are every story, you can look for, what that role of the partnership is. I believe that is what it is. 

You want to pick a category or you trying to kidnapping a guy?

I cannot understand so many options, you becomes to artistic imagination like the ice skating, the singing, or the eating, not cooking methods? Or you trying to film or ideas generation that a Day in Life, that your life just sucks?

You want to write a book or become a Super Hero?

What does that mean?

All right, it means you trying out something in life and?

Someone like your parents or your friends, or you have a groups now, together, you become Oneness?

And? You look horrible, or you sounds horrible, or your cooking methods clumzy, or your Ice Skating just so wobbling, and your reflection of the sunlight to that camera of every face you smiling inside that yourself, you find, every flaws you wish never air that in public?


You want to be supportive to other people? Whom?


You mean becoming like....not like a coach or a mentor? 

Your cousins, or your sibling?

You want to close my channel for 2 weeks. 

And cool off another 2 weeks. 

Imagine what you gonna do the second month, you will snuggle inside the couch with that popcorns and coke, and a movie. You are driven by some airs of.....something so easy done by others, so now you spelling yourself to get up your ass doing something, you find it so differently.

You are freaking out your life right now, or you mean you want to kidnapping more better way to the end?

You go to jail for that, if you really doing that for those intention.

Correct, you are working on your paycheck by per paycheck right now.

Teacher union has a pension, that is certain field they put those bar at. 


You shut down every friends, get rid of them. Stay home, until you understand you discipline to Eastern Spirituality, to every heart cut, you must grow out of that. One day, if you make it in 5 years, you might see some lights, or else, you will go on street. Its almost every fate, you running at those border for W Two worlds, to that you say your eyes will Always filled up the romance, than, making it one Lunch boxes, to carry to the work place, or help your family to every lunch box.

Your language, your attitude, your eyes, filled up Romance none stop. There is no hope in life, to build up, but you insist to keep doing those things. You will see no ends. American are very cruel. Its the military cruel. You only arrive to the maturity personality to make in the professional jobs, the professional manner, must delicate your life to that one family you build up, not Tina those. 

The ends no one cares about it. 

You refuse to grow up, so that is not my problem. Well, I hope those letters serves you some good.

Something about cupcakes, donuts, and ...this Octopods?

What you becoming.....

I might cook meat, but I need a lot of this cooking alcohol, I have to study on it. These things are not clean, they have all kinds of stuffs in them too. Those ....what do you use to inject in the animals? Tormenting methods? 

I am telling you, those things nothing are clean, my throat feeling it. I take it fish or shrimp, that is what Indian 500 years made a mess I have to clean up, otherwise, the 4 walking animals, in Chinese that is how we saying it.....you need to wash them alcohol them, and boiling them....none stop....I never cooked them, so....depends what Eben says?

I rest a little bit. Watching Youtube.

Is there something I need to know? Like my hair cut?


In the mist of everything I do, you love bread? White bread? or Wagmans bread?  Its not saying the Asian bakery?

Wing, today I pass by where the Birds saying....

They are saying the Japanese Decoration Interior Design.....

I see what they are saying now.

You mean every pairs of all you people, what?! Its that if Ancient Chasez and me Anna disappear....like if a guy disappear first, and you girl as the second get on Live! That kinds of saying?


Its 10 years since the book accomplished....you can say almost every works are smoothly sent in Time, for every cross Industry, including governmental. I will tell you no matter what it is, many things are on tracks. I am not even 40 yet, you all so wish I disappear, really....

Pairs of the Couples, a girl with a guy.

Every gerne of Ice Skating or Music, there are always pairing up between a guy and a girl. Not every girl can get a guy, so if you have a guy next by you, you are lucky?  You have talents, you have practiced, you have dedicated yourself into that works. Now, you just have to make the guys work together. Sometimes you will have to compromise a lot of things when you collaborating with another person, no matter what that is. 

Preparing juicing for tomorrow and cooked that sprout with seasame oil and soy sauce and salt! my mother like it. Cucombers and carrots must.

I prepare something for Tomorrow Lunch.

Today I was walking home from 101, so you eating 3 meals? 

That Coach shirt so expensive, I thought it was 900 NT, it was 5,900 NT, oh my God.

I gonna take a shower and wash up all this...Night market stuffs. I had the birds eggs on one BBQ stick + cheese, so I have to walk all the way there and back. With a yogurt, and now watermelon juice my mother made me.

So she has all those bean sprouts.

🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓10 NT only vending machine | where in the city has ever a vending machine? My job interview ENglish for librarian 🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓