Lawsuit 327: You may preceed 9:47 the Ending of Dream Exchange Games 夢幻遊戲

Date: Sep 11th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: The best friends scenario

System : if the legal court does not separate them in this life, prospone that til the last mins or second of their breath. Right now as we speaking....proceeding.

Both Karen and Adria's case or to that 4 Leafy the ending here says, from that Sailor Moon, I Ching phenomenon continue talks, circle to circle.

Are you wrong? You only jobs in front of me, its one holding another one to jump. That kinds of true story its a greater merits of loving attention in cuddle, true love never wane or whine.



The meaning of true tale will be "Fallen soul" "Fallen" "Fallen wrong"

Its that they are mortal, as that Flower Thousand Bone expel from the celestial or Harry Potter exile. Meaning they have no more strength in life, to combat anything karmic descendant...of their own merits ever lasting in happiness, in pain, in Samara. 

That day like I always say, don't have to be today.  You see, Obama fallen in that Iron Man or Avenger none stop....its how fallen your England Flag made that balcony in that New congratulate to her new officer terms.

That is sad, isn't it? 

All things possible related here, System, my phone One Phone rules All since year, one subject title on Crop Circle and that one 911 before or after video, since the day Tina assault.

Hank has an issue, but both are not functioning....

Dream Exchange Game

I didn't open those TV until now, we may proceeding....that Episode 3 or 4 ....where we met the England Queen on the journey. Your legal system suppose to notify me, if it was forbidden.

I have the translation of that saying in one post. I cannot find it.

The moral sense of the household life

Fighting, arguing, worrying, worrying money, worrying kids, worrying life and death to get old, always the money fighting, instead of the cultivating the spirituality ever lasting life.

Maybe I am just being courtesy to tell you what it is all about, to the end of your last breath that day. Your kids might have kids just today join your togetherness but in fact, cannot relate a thing what that person's life about, so called the family close life, all together.

Some people never make a 20 millions in life. Not the regular people 7 dollar per hour. The real life has a real meaning, don't you agree?




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