Lawsuit 246: Compensate from the movie industry, if my UB friends that is what they are waiting.

Date:June 11th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Well, with these much of the violence between Indian, especially Indian, Mormom high school graduate, to say YouTuber million dollar babe Indian wiring money again....Tamang gun violence on the international medical school, community college before Double e resume. How short cuts makes people public display in running a show on the facebook.

The compensation I believe other than the social hospital pain killer patches below my pharmacy they are all seal, not opens. That at least the basic surveillance, I can demand, for that I am in the resting mode, not really anything else after 9 long years of all these. Other people demands, their unfairneses of Life, to vent, that is their attitude. I am more self centered to all these lawsuit you could just read it yourself, how life that meant to me, really just nothing but a dusty dreams.

Not even the people that looks like these, I ever cared.

These lawsuit will followed to the next lawsuit, Sailor Moon 1000 years difference. (If I would have known yesterday....)

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