
Uber they are regular human does a job, including my below stair middle age man having a motocycle. He getting his jobs !

There are all those human getting jobs, other than me I am telling you.

Your American terms, those are scooter. But its dangerous on the road, they run !! They have too many incidence, you are the military uniform, you cannot do better than they are?

You have to use a helmet, so you blind, that is how those DMV forms? No wonder everyone dies. 

ICE rink, about the Pizza Hut all you can eat its that one road all the way right. There is a Pharmacy store, for some reason I thought they all suppose to be the same, but becasue its sport arena intend, that "Little Egg" for the ice skating rink, their direct diagonal are the eating malls, every floors of it, their across are vegetarian, and small pizza Hut.

If you keep walking down toward that end (On the right) is that where the Pizza Hut? Or that is another Pizza Hut I Imagine? oh no, on that 忠孝東路 Sorry, two different Pizza Hut.

Its all you can eat. I need my medical stuffs there.

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