Lawsuit 266: Height

Date:July 18th 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: I need to open an investigation if there are really a human height invovled in the film in such as Conan Detective, a very famous Asian Franchise, or including America TV Smallville ( 2001 - 2011)

I will personally saying this, if its anything to do with the bones, its very very very painful like a hell. I don't know why I even know that.

I cannot lose the weight, for some strange reason, and I cannot remember the gym people saying one hour per day, or you mean one hour per weekend, so saying 3 hours per weeks to start. I had done 3 hours a day, and every day at least one hour, on the regular walking, to later night out still walking.

The exact steps amount of the kilermeter are in my Iphone.

I personally don't care about that much about the height, after all I am the girl. Its not a big deal I am what height really, as long as get the jobs done. But to what degree everything I try, I walk further away? Away from where? Earth?

I can see the milkyway the center of it.

Is there something I gonna see in my life time, I will grow tall? I know that is impossible, so I am doing everything to lose weight down, to slim down. No, I don't ever think to grow tall, not really. We have too many given situation, or conditioned reason, not just on the height numbers or the years, or the Earthquakes indicators, as if you saying the destiny, where I belong to?

There is a Chinese doctor grow people's height at 26 years old. I will be 40 years old next year. I used to been to the bone doctor here, she used to told me, people can grow tall, keep growing. 

I am so busy on everything else, other than whatever I gonna look like, to be honest, anything I look like, I really don't think about it right now. I care about it, that is why I am losing weight down?

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