Lawsuit 485: Westlife next by NSYNC (UB UFO Seth Victoria Secret Audience Seat Airplane) | Adam, Hailey and her brother

Date: Dec 7th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: He UB UFO Seth shrinks his body size and the height for that toilet, he found out.

To a lot of things he did for his sake of happiness. He did. That kind of change the entire body structure, you need a Doctor. 

When this Westlife material coming forward, its very bad whatever I can see.

Adam's father is a plastic surgeon. You mean you Hailey's one wish its = him, UB UFO Seth? But that is Black Jack doctor, he is very very very expensive. 黑傑克醫生

Do you have a reason why you want to shorten your own height, you realize you create your own karma eternity, if that body will never modify? There is a situation how you did that in the middle school in order to keep grow tall. That is very very very bad on the record. You cannot hide that. Its best you continue that height as I told you.

You admit your mistake, then wishing wishing wishing. You have a guy you like? Like Lee's height? 

Adam and Hailey's case on that Westlife to meeting NSYNC my side or Nominji Case to 98 degree. And the Mummy (1999) MD 6+1 meeting 4+1 on the System met in the movie plots, we were told how they raise the gun to each other for "prophecy" or "biblical", or "apocalypse" scenario, that entire water fountain turn red blood. 

Its more on the Egyptian Side, called the Book of the Dead.

Not the Bible clear term in the End Chapter, you cannot modify that = The Book of Life, the Lamb's book. You cannot change the Bible. 

This lawsuit, you need a very long long long write-up. From NSYNC re-write to UB, on my cases.

Then you need Red River Manga, how Nominji and the Mongolian cut in half. And 98 degree.

98 Degree boy band has one Christmas album. My NSYNC were saying I was homeless. They helping the homeless. You want to change the religion to the Christian, they have a Christian every Church with their best friends?

UB Side and NSYNC to the Victoria Secret - Take me to Church.

Its the UB Commons process the UB ID cards or the dining cards. With the photo we taken there. I have a UB card, used to. To my facebook, they should have the exactly how they all still existing 20 years on my website. Those are the real classmate or knowing them in the UB! Not NSYNC. I assuming if they are the real human, not the high tech image, they are the boys, not the guys? 

Then you process that Nominji, 98 degree. She is married. I was not. Not even common-in-law.


Adam & Hailey that more of her entire life wish were to take back her height almost as pain as every single second. For whatever the reason. I say my brother is that car mel-function, "Something Right". he did for his boss.  He is a gay and autism. 

Which religion did you become a vegetarian for real to that prayer "take back your height"? 

You have a real life objective goal like a real love? And that real love intention knowing you existing right now?

The way how that cartoon sounding in Chinese, I can just tell your father or your father-in-law, that is not 400 millions dollars. With or without a lawsuit. You cannot change a record on the system failure you were at the middle school, and you probably fail the 10 subjects for one height or the hair statues included. 

I just personally telling you, its very bad, so it is a system. You cannot change that. Many female criminal like Lalla becoming that so including you that TV if you making it that or Adam did. None of us know what is the story you are still on air.

To the Lords you vow, supposes to: You use your height for the military commanding power to accumulate more Brainy IQ, and you taken that statues furthur to your ambition without your father's SUV front row seat, but having someone else be in that seat. Cousin, Adam's family member, youngest or kids. 

That kind of the attitude.

Its best you continue your evolution, whatever this TV meant you had a wish never stop since that failure middle school - high school period. 

Desire with your entire full body forces to that each and every cell inside your body

When you seeing that someone shorter than you girls, you used to be thinking to how you seeing them, or how they wishing lo look at you. You shrink inside your chair eating an instant noodle soup.

That is not wishing. That is not praying. You know you never get back down the height. You just highly intoxicated you desire your height going down, like you seeing your which guy on your facebook, might be the middle school, or the high school, that you know him.  That never die out the part what if you had a different choice. Every 11 oclock at night.

That is called desiring. Not you desire someone. You desire a very concentrating force of wishes. Most time when you saying a desire, you saying a material good, or money, you killing someone for it. Those are the very bad intention desire.

Yours are on the objects that were your regret ....your past deed, and it will never take it back, and it reminds your body, your soul, your religion faith every step the way wrong.

If you ask me in person I will tell you, that system data means you go to hell for real. Every girl your case ends up in the wrong things for that one junction middle school / high school to pine on the future rubbery everyone stuffs.

Give you an example, if you tell me

1. You hate me.

2. You want to kill me

My brain reacts neither. I have no response. Will I wish you dead? No. You ought to be dead, yes. Its a fact. That is not a wish. The police will bar you down, that is a fact.

But will ever react to tiny wish or a word from anyone?

Zero. That is why you are 1, I am 5 Worlds Lords, they saying 4 guys First Astral world. No, just your brother I guess, and not legal even.

You don't belong to this lineage or the practice nor....Faith or Loyalty that one God must you go. You are the criminal. 

That is why a lot of people will end up in the hell, when they don't understand why those teaching saying internal your brain chemistry, WHOLE Life your parents given you a body. That is a God given you a chance, life after life starting this one life practice. You often just fight at the money, and the material wealth, and still don't understand I say....there is no business, other than certain jobs. No income greater than. Those are the illusion. 

The Buddhism original teaching were right.

But this world, no one willing to do it. So many will go to hell when they are gone. No matter what you seeing that brain chemistry clear or not. 

Per response, per word, per looking, per picture show up.

You do not contain that practices. Not inner, not outer.

Guys are often on the 4 limbs moving til too tired. That is the original many teaching. The system to that military were correct. I didn't need to remind them. But that doesn't mean they are really that religion to that one faith. They need the friends, they need the crowd. That commitment will not be Eon or Kalpha. You starting with the Service to Humanity. AT least cultivating some seed while you are inside this environment called the Little Prosperity and Little Kindness.To wear out some of the trace....whatever it offers here. There is nothing wrong to be placed in any environment, just how much you understand what exactly you need this time, this world, right now.

Do I see Zawanna every single day? 

Yeah! I just didn't really talk about it. 

What is he like? 

The guys to that one lawsuit 472 if were your point, you want to try on your father first? Do that. Zawanna is not your father.  You want your father to tell you that clearly? You might so illuded inside your mind, outside your soul.

Did he tell me all those points?

No. That is not how the telepathy works. I cannot understand a thing if he puts in the too complicated words.

What do we usually do per day?

In my room, we talk. Inside a book, there is an environment to what I need to see. We talked about it. (Outside)

Do we touch each other?

He touches my hands, my left hand to right, or right to left, depends which one I escape. That is more than...if you saying a pillow talking already. His hand is big. He is a type of European culture. oh~ I am not.

Is that a real kiss?

Yes. I have a long pillow. I already told you, my hand is not my hand. That is how bad I cannot describe to you what that OU telling you, right or left, (or birds or Sky starting.)

I wish to see him than I see him?

I usually are on the PC. Except the lunch, or bathroom, or bath, or massagist chair. Right now they call me, then I lay on the bed. We talked. But last hour, that 亞斯 needs to see my PC, for whatever reason, the 2 or 3 lawsuits before. Something about that book. 

Its a torturing life in and out of the conscious. Because....just because I never say you might all end up in hell, you keep doing all this you are not doing it right things, that doesn't mean the final verdict to that final judgements are not here upon. You are a race just learning how to speaking a language and a legal process, that doesn't mean you starting perfect. And therefore, you wasting my value. Their intention is clear. I just not sure how I am dead in the basement for the American military finding me or trying to find me. 

But that negotiation talk are a constant. A science museum and an Aquarian.

So he will never like you?

Ice Glory, voka voka.....He is a MD. You can ask your dad if you married to him is safer but he got a choice anyway, and that will be your mother. When your per thought got annoyed that guy near around you, including opening up talking to when you are in the pain. It means you hate him per second per min on thought. You need to leave that situation, not to creating that brain response, no matter what. But you white race, need those heart cut in cut out....I am not sure the guys are like that too. Somewhat yeah. 

But like I say, if the environment to that 50% girls doing the 50% power rising....that Open Galaxy will be a painful process for both side. Or...It already is very painful to that legal fight all around. You just didn't hear about it.

What is he like?

You talking about a Race, like Nordic, or you mean between a boy, or a guy? The boy aging on white hair and bold? The skeleton behind are full body bruise, if they keep doing that. Your both father side are the doctors, really. They will explain to you when someone did that to you, you will know a reality, that will not be every single day on. That is not a military order. Its the Mahavatar Babaji junks included.

Anything I can suggest you?

Why don't you go and watching that Sailor Moon. Having a girl will talk to you, if every girls are like the sailor moon talking open loud on every small details things. You wish a friend, not a guy.

A groups of those friends exactly grow up together. Talking, playing, and supporting each other. That will be your best plan and in the life reality, how you feeling more breathing in air. You are more stable down. 

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