Lawsuit 342: Tiny 4.0 (Sailor Moon parts )

Date: Sep 20th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: How to get back their life without the 400 millions dollar debts (Victoria Secret, the Blue Jello Voka Shot)

This will be me helping them written something to reach the behind....


You girls to that Tiny 4.0, telling the court about that Voka, like the Victoria Secrets.

You 4 rather to live that impression where the drinking will take a part of your life.

We part it this way.

Understand? This entire world can fill up the alcohol every household, party, commercial success, your jobs even....someone selling alcohol as an option. So you saying to the Court, if that is the ET did that material. Simply on the Voka Blue Jello Shot.

You still have the imagination inside your brain as you growing up as the American culture

Sex, immorality, fancy, part of every novel to the marriage proposal to the live ever live after, its all the package you will be receiving in the Court, how I think each of us believing in, this story ought to be re-write, not what was being told.

"I really bet on this, so you believe what I tell you."

Alcohol, its where the friends are

Alcohol, its every clubs America like the downtown together we groups without Anna. She didn't come with us.

Alcohol, its the higher class, their body will smell when they get out of the door, don't we always smile to look like its right DMV, anyway?

You say In order to dissolve our faces, like all this 400 millions dollars say to groupy as the 4, you all really need a job in the future without this records, and you vow, it will be everything you can do, and Anna says, as long as you confess, that will be your life forever embarking only the culture you so damn believing it, how the life will forever be, the smell of the alcohol, the night life of the neon, the car pool togetherness like the La la where the dim light the darkness meet, someone its on the other side might be waiting for you. 

You say, in this end of this, really....its not the conduct or the morality. Its a survival. In this legal world, as long as you don't break a law, you are not fine, you are not accused, you will not receiving this kind of unjustify treatment to ruin your too perfect life.

To that ET has no right to give an order without our consent, unless its a final verdict of the final notice....and are they going to deport us somewhere, if we are willing? 

So you clarify this for us. There is nothing wrong about America. To the girls like you.

You use Dream Exchange Game the first episode, all the donuts, cake, pastry, that frame, to the ending when the book will be close...there is only one me, not all that people.

You state it, there is a logical behind like that. Its the beginning of the Cartoon, and the ending when the close book, we leave that world, to becoming a world of our own. To this very life, we choose rather to narrow down that niche of the limited sky, as long as can survive, and remain that normal life just like everyone else has a choice. Every girl has a choice, we didn't get a choice to be whom we wish to becoming the future.

She will never be part of any of our future, she choose that. We left that.

You say, we wish to cite a piece of information, that will be from the Medical Board of America, to when the final verdict of them on those Medical Student all in America including the current medical doctors profession. Anna and nick becomes the baits, she Anna felt so.

Meaning, they do examination to when that opening of the loops of time, will be opening that day, we seek their support, they can go back to that world without that piece of MD paper. They just didn't know the job description has any moral support, and drinking or the food diet, its what the people ought to live, breath, enjoy, sex, entertainment on.....this world its made that, or else it will be outlaws, remember? Curfew, after would be? The selling the governmental only allow business to stand, that will be rice, and whine. Since 1910, people knowing that.

That piece of information will be she will remain only standing, we will never lend her any help, we agree all that before we depart, its one alchol forever goodbye, whom would believe all that? You want a drink?

She doesn't need us help, you see after 16 years? She still standing?

You mean the legal worlds only supporting helping other people, if they are already rich, we do not obligate to support anything she will remain alone, stand alone, that is what the capitalism of the American only stand for the Bills of All right, by the way, her page 27th, just like you say, she doesn't have a right, and so will we only survive, not we go further down to the hell, she ascend forever heaven, as if you say were true? Why don't you just meant we go to hell now, forever? That is not the points. We only survive to the things we see fit. 

She is not one of that.

Just look at her.

I write my own comment for myself:

Here is my reply, to all these current situation,

It seems like a long time I didn't update my current situation with the Sky, the Birds, the Photo shooting what's really happening in front of my entire peripheral. I tell you once that bird outside speaking Persian, if you mistaken Sailor Moon has 2 cats, Princess Diary 2 has a swallow and an eagle. When I upload the video, I was genuinely believe, you some Law reinforcement seeing the same thing, trying to save these birds, they have everything public display to that roof.  

I didn't talk enough about your Metro Taipei Red Line, I didn't talk enough I seeing it the Wing Spa, or CORNERIN, or LAB restaurant, I taken all the photo, including a lot more unlimited things I see I hear I know. On the street.

There is another factor called Mahavatar Babaji, I met him in the Day Inn near those time in Milipas outside Silicon Valley. No where near Google or Facebook for they are furthur North. I didn't really say anymore this Kail or Zawanna from the comic book relating message. I trying to kill all of them including Ancient Chasez. I am entering a dimension, as I records all things lost in 2015, the Earthquake equation, I never stop working, inventing, or discovering, I erase all that. Its every works I do, I cannot go marvelous, its every types of the works I invent, I discover, I becoming....the finding.

These Earthquake equation I did a very thorough line down. Not just one equation, but I surely making everyone seeing a point from my own invention not publishing yet book. There are the Earth vibration, or my own vibration statues, to which worlds relating, if you all concluded, something is happening.

I don't think if you court legally written I have an ability to know, or seeing to thought, or magnify everything I saw, and becoming a brand new worlds, you hate...they hate.....why everyone else so intuitively with the magic, none seeing it anyway to help?

They are lying.

To this world to fallen, so only me leaving....I think it might be the ending of all this coming true. You only need to breath from the low IQ, you don't need to excavating them out of it. 

This is Earth, where can you go further anyway, you seeing the Solar System.

16 years pass, we are not friend, it was just a school activities. We will never be friends, the school life was over long time ago. My personal life, has nothing to do with them. If the dog or the cat or the birds can talk, their legal arguments will always be, they have more help than a human, every help. For they know everything every single second.

As you might have inquire the animal kingdom rights, that is their one of the 2 things I told everyone, by the numbering they win. They win to me. That is what they meant to bring them over here. That is the natural law degree how the universal Truth becoming the jungle laws. 

Now, your Bible has a phrase as "God's will to be done."

I personally don't have any preference to the things putting inside my mouth, not really, so there are a particular situation here happening with the Babaji, or anyone they have the Power of the material body. I have no idea what that is.....but I assuming their last wrote all this, on the opening of the book Dream Exchange Games, I remember what that episode. To the ending, how the book was closed.....

My worlds have evolve differently. And therefore, that none parallel situation will never change. Meaning, all these immorality people have a will. You cannot see them, but their will truly and realistically, they are too good to be true to these low IQ background education women lost their memory after 35 like the movie Ms Congeniality, or 19 anniversary in Loving the Silent Tear, or 12 years old like Red River Manga, Taipei Metro.

To this day, I conclude this overall points, its the evolutionary structure to me myself, and those upper sphere will never pick any of you to becoming the spokeman, forever......that kinds of the choices its only their preference, and to that privilege of their preference, their silent comment without an ink, will be "get rid of the junks."

We end like this?

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