Lawsuit 456: Negotiation Table (Star War 1 and 2 and 3 Lawsuit)

Date: Dec 2nd, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Red River Manga  赤河魅影

Is that just the Red River Manga with Kail or Ramses, the Ending.

Is SMCH the final Lasting Peace = Ms Congeniality 1 and 2

Is Slam Dunk involved. How does this tear on the Second Best team you turn the time back, We becoming the number 2 or number 1? 

When I was younger, reading those Chinese books. I will tell you there are some image. Your solar System itself its a "traffic". Kind of Left to Right, and right up, like tiny turn forward, or up.

But when you imagine you are the Earth, you get out of the Earth, its you going forward, there is no direction, no human. When I was younger reading the book in the description I get like that. There is a sun on the left.  So I imagine that is Solar System. Now, I have another tale on the Rockfeller she is the ET theory, its she is against of the Constitution like me. That is the ilegal entry on the Victoria Secret. Do you find out? And how long I keep doing this I am against the American Constitution?

How many negotiation table, I will be running out of the money? I personally know that very very expensive, you starting with the solar system, you gonna stop at the solar system?

Do you have an estimation, neither my money how long it waits before tax, or all disappear by how many payment as I say I am the commander-in-chef? Can I keep some what money. I am getting old. I cannot keep going on this my bank account on every turn Comet comes, its at Zero.

Silicon Valley, that is Zero was? Your Mahavatar Babaji says so. 

You never live a human life on math, and to what brain on math, to how many wound and hurt to my money becoming zero every single time, on all of you.  As long as that associate with the Buddha name, I becoming the zero every single time. You didn't find that annoying yourself?  Not that Eon and Kalpa past, whom renounce issues? I recently hearing you all behind saying some spirituality word. What renounce? You mean the money concept? That is for going to heaven means standard. 

You all just trying not to starve on the street means or going homeless.

All right, these negotiation table, has anything to do with the Bob Dean, do you want to dig his grave, his body cannot look like that? So whom are involved to the sequence my money becoming zero?

Meaning like in 3 Stages? Why I even collecting all the money none stop anyway now?   Its in your books, do you read? Like how soon? Your tax season the day before I was born?

Items or Objects in the negotiation Table

Do you ever been to those retreat with SMCH? Thailand or Taiwan Retreat where most sale things at the counter table with the table cloth? Yesterday saying the flower or the scent Slam Dunk 45.

Item fallen from the above the Top (Clouds) down below, I go Mario, running to catch everywhere, I don't have anymore money, if you all just keep spending at it.

The fire dragon like that facebook 4 photo. Cute pokeman, upside down inside a turtle shell. But no seal, when you turn around. Its not those crab looking.

Its an orange. Do you read that Frozen Fever, the Medical Board, and there are some horoscope sign. I need you to learn that word 道, is that Dean? or that is me? I have this burniing sensation often in the afternoon nap after.

首= First, or Chef

That is a worm, or MIB saying ...that is a dragon, not a golden cobra? How come they talking just random things which one is which, that is totally different between the Colonix worm, to this MIB 1 movie, Man in Black.

First not just the money you acquire. Can somebody do this things correctly. How does the Universe categories that Milkyway to that AI Johnson Johnson Baby Oil, to the next Quatrain of the Universe, Bob Dean says its a neighbor Galaxy? So Cosmo, definition in these movies, having a ET playing a B Ball, 彈珠 I have seen the ending of some movies?

Now I need you to be very sure that OU language if were so definite are the classify material til that everything made of the SM jewellery, the points system to how you end up meditation? Since the 90s?  There are blessing, there are angel, there are UFO people, her definition UFO people = Angels. In Mexico those retreat tape COPS 16 time.

The MC looks like Tom, we worked in the Love of Century how my money came back from the Asian Vietnamese old ugly women, I hate them from zero to zillions. Tom and a Vancuver funny accent French lady can talk.

Before you get to that points, do you require to have a Service to Humanity like that 安西教練 to that Slam Dunk.  That is Mike looking in APO.

I didn't meditate that doesn't mean I don't finish their saying if coming down classify, by how long by how far, by how much...all that saying?

Negotiation Table Decorative Language embellishment

Since 2014, that whole year starting were my money now?! Your educational sector or someone has to train, were starting at OU language 2014, and?  You know, one of those you must speak your own native English language, am I right? We are talking about the same literacy here without the Ancient Chinese, apparently that becoming the 2015? Now, they won't expecting you to be that high language skills, I stuck at France on that I cannot enter or learn a skill, that doesn't mean I would be bad.

To that humility running deep, to how you speaking in English, in your military tenure, or what was it the eternity your Military Life service....did you ever thought that too good to be true, to how the Kindness Forward Makes that Commercial running a Coke Cola Voka Voka Woka Woka, Keanu Reeves marathon, do you know what year were that, to since how that Steve Jobs later having a Toy Story 1995? 

That is how the Window marching in 1995 he Steve Jobs lost a what balancing sheet to end up 4 squares? Meaning the simplicity, from that Hadikhan Babaji, he was the Intern CEO?

One of these the Top Businessman, on the table, were you ever to be money rich getting quick scheme, those things won't work on the real negotiation sound like an acting, you nervous?


路, 道路, 道, 马路, 途, 陌

路径, 路, 通路, 道路, 径, 道

方法, 路, 途径, 办法, 道路, 道

道教, 道

教义, 学说, 主义, 教条, 道

线路, 流程, 道, 周, 环行

方法, 办法, 模式, 术, 作法, 道

原理, 原则, 初步, 道, 道理, 信念

原理, 原则, 道理, 信念, 学说, 道


说, 表示, 称, 讲, 言, 道

谈论, 谈, 论, 说话, 说, 道

说话, 讲, 发言, 说, 讲话, 道

假设, 假定, 想, 猜想, 假, 道

认为, 思考, 想, 想到, 思, 道

To the Entire Humanity reason

You all just starting to opening up your mouth on the daily conversation like ....How to carry a conversation such as TED, sound like positive reinforcement to the ending result - the tearful applause from the audience, will make you feeling so much delighted, to how moving and touching that well life achievement were your Chicken Soup, how you touch a life per time.

And usually you meant, that Tim Cook Era, whichever I meant to say, at least you open up your mouth to talk like a human, in your own native English. You cannot possibly getting wrong on that?!


One Generation is the Eternity

Or One uprising someone it means Forever

What is that the Hollywood guy, Michael Jackson? Victoria Secret.

How funny that Isisah knows a Michael next by a Mrs King. Elvis Presley, daughter or whom...married to him right? I don't remember the details sequence

Berny's wife = both parents dead

=JP Morgan Grand Daughter 

Berny (He die on the COVID 19)

Me, Tina, Pang (Elvis), My mother, Hank's 26....

430 = Scientology to that Bruno Mars.

Chicken feather like Katherine Johnson, or that is Rockfeller this Life. My mother. Elvis Mother = Pang's mother. Her name is Wendy.

To that last girl enter....there are a several I don't know whom they were or are, both Elvis and Michael Jackson Stuffs. 

And this another spin, to the Cleopatra time has a Pompeo, and Anthony. Not just a bar pillar in the historical site, there is a bar on your wiki under the America Secretary State, that time I read. I don't know what is a Bar means.

When you being a lawyer and trying to open up your mouth per argumentative Freezing Points in (Shut up! Birds) that Court Room fight.

Meaning your concentration to stand there, to see, to read, to memorize your every cases in the court Room, in front of the Judge, how the cases are being present to the Jury. Those are the traditional I imagine the America saying they will forever becoming that, including the England Congress, not those useless human becoming a gigantic chicken feather one of those.

Those are maid 雞毛毯子 .... Cinderella here in Asia ought to know that words.

You got nervous to look straight, you are blind

You are not sure where to look, you look not so smooth

You have no reaction, when waving at your eye sight.

You trying to listening to your English, and you blank out in the seat.

The air-conditioning are too freezing cold.

Do you want to trying to imagine, how those per battle field, if you were just getting on 2014, how those skill required a talking or a typing sounds like, you dedicate your own self, to that quality time between you and God, and let that bestow upon you how the degree of the Burnt, makes your face blush, and fainting....meaning drain out hydration if you keep talking?

You want typing, or trying to shape up your Angelic writing bear hands fight? 

That is those New Age human on Angel guiding them on pen, and slip...out of the paper, saying that 魔動王 those air shaken, were not the accumulation in the years, you only going through the real tribulation, you stand unshakeable just on every degree to that Eternal Truth? Not Forever?

I am sure you attitude sounds like your own personality. It was never changed.

Items Arrival !!!!

You need to draw a horizontal clouds. One 朵朵 how I drawing that Eben to 3.

Make it width wide

Your first type of 魔動王 is coming down, the whole clouds exactly the width. Its full....

That things dropping things none stop, left right left right, I think that dragon fire in the turtle shell baby, its the left catch. Can you get a crew of human running below something catching things from the sky, for REAL!?

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