System Data

🍇🍇🍇ðŸŦ The rest of none related to me Anna human...can you go back to your own very life, not seeing me stress over my desk on the human or the animal issues, because under the system....if you are just always alone, on yourself One human issues....🍇🍇🍇ðŸŦ

You have no other else to go to? I don't care about the gossip, I don't care about Eben say to thinks. But assuming we are the entire huge groups on the cat fights, tossing garbage, its because its every bracket human are related to that one facebook of mine, used to be, including those UB graduate students they finish their meds or pharm school to group the real professional people in.

So under the system, Anna is stressful, on the human, and apparently the birds issues on her roof. Her envrionment has how many human are constantly cat fights with her, one of them will be Eben Pagan on the emailing listing, she sent email to Eben. That is a system seen things? 

So the communication I have on my facebook, that is to do with 5 or 8 friends of mine, to how if some other people were my old facebook coming back, and staying on it, go behind to check every other things, you know what is the System Diagram looking like including their parents facebook? Not the content they see. the information they being connected, that means Anna I am stressful, however I look on the road, it is real?

One of those? System Data?

Can you go back to your own life, whichever professional life, to create your own very facebook, very circle, you rub, steal your husband, your wife, your kids friends, principle, school, charity, works, one of those? 

First, if you keep staying on my facebook, not cultivate a real human connection through the current or the past activities, you are not part of the networks. You are not UB, you are not nick's friends, you are not nick's side of junks friends of friends?

Second, if you keep throwing yourself outside your own circle, you are not happy. You want to own your own friends, can you go somewhere else? Don't mind me how I run my world, that is between me and the parents or the parents and their kids. There is a system, we fix it together.



Let me explain again. I Anna, one day of that 2014 after, have no more jobs, thanks to that Simon Cowell. So "under my impression", "under my profession", I survive to UB 2020

UB 2020, its a thing. Whichever things they collect or I Anna force them to collect under the President Simpson. I told him China Pavillion, he might really go and finding out if there are data ending in there. He used to have BIG ART works display 5 of them in front of his offices. That is a REAL UB Purchase, UB BUYS lands, UB display empty space in front of everybody, what the heck that is???

So...To that one day I starting another job called Web 2.0. It is my further degree study on that MLS Librarian science and infomatics structure for me to input something for the Chinese Orphan in the monostary, that is the professional results.

I have a profession, one chemistry, one MLS.

My Youtube Channel was Organic Chemistry. (You really learning the System Data, so I am telling you)

There are keywords. My YouTube Channel name: YourFormulaSheet

In that period of time from 2007 on, I have the active Youtube to collecting a lot of students, I don't know where they go from whichever they were under the science major, right now, they might have grown to their own World of the professional, and I becoming the Honorable Superior in that Flower Thousand Bones (2015)

My entire family faces are on it, I never tell you about it.

Now, I used to have a UB Honor Class entire facebook human landing on my music sharing selection, so Penguine in South poles has a video sent to NASA, it just happened, I didn't just receiving a paycheck from Google 500 dollars for my Channel Screen thumbnail, I have a NASA video I did a climate change or few landing to their professional networks distribution lists, seeing if I lie, or I knock down someone for their 10 years works.

Technically, you don't knock down someone's works for 10 long years, and say one video shot them down. You understand? Its not written spectacular so you never understand. They used to have that one thing in NASA, one guy knock down one NASA project in the last min, guess whom that is? Those were things after 2014, to UB 2020, I don't bother saying that anymore, I had a math issue on the Comet. What else they have. Some human has to let go life, but finish this TV business. Its a new gerne, a New World, a New Field, I insist I finish all things before I start back to that Web 2.0 but it is the same profession.

And my I Ching (Bio DNA didn't stop, I create the same AGT stage name, DNA Artarian to update those scientific works)

I used to say to you, many so known as the independent research can just update 20 years of their progression in 2 or 3 quality video its enough. I done more than 3 video in my past works, or current DNA full open space project channel. Its public can see. 

That keyword, has COVID 19. That is a not a good thing, but it is a trendy things, someone putting through something. 

Do you understand what it is the keywords relating to your professions? or you want me to red mark you, so you can see the keywords?


Metero Land in Utah create so much loud noise in the cloud ( August 14th 2022)

Taiwan Channel News 51.


Eben he is a internet marketing department. I think its a business consultant. What it is, I don't really know. He does online teaching course, and subscribers, and seminar, and some GPS physical location of the conference.

Meaning he exists in whichever world he exists. 

Say again?


Eben he has this Lalla credential things on....several indicators. 

He is giving training to a lot of people. I am not sure he has prepared his questions or answer he supposed to be answering me....but I can tell you many people if they starting High School, someone normally will tell them, those are not enough. He started it probably in year 2000, Right now 2022. I am not sure where he goes....but I think in some worlds of certificate, he has one of those things. Adult continuation education. 

He supposed to be older.  I think he is the pig year one Round Chinese Calendar saying ahead of me. If he just tell me his age brackets on the educational statistics, he might be fine?

He has to decide a lot of things....there is a ET on everyone's monitors. His choice will determine a lot of that after. We have too many situation.

Eben's seminar is expensive, Walsh, and his kids, those are free seminar. They are in Chicago area. Jonas and Silas they are there. 

Geographical Location

Craig is in mid-town Toronto. High way 7, is up town Toronto, to highway up Highway 7, that is Vanghan, not that near.

Eben he lives in New York City that time.

I think you will be more happy and give less pressure to the Top people like me, you don't have friends, you want a brand new world of your own facebook? 

You could just fix your own facebook collecting favorite garbage.

On the Internet, let's say Anna I see something the face, like the boards, and I just make myself disappear.... That is a fault???

I react on it. 

If Tamang has a gun, I shut down my facebook, that was my fault? I went to handle things, later telling Jonathon about it? 

I constantly make sure things are staying on current if I seeing the Youtube video on my cpanel, I process them, or I responding to them, or Movie responding, to the singing, or the music....

Is that the question?

Technically the movies or the TV are not supposed to be targeting me personal life, to be this personal, they might be charged you violating my privacy right? I had enough, I react on it. 

Its a response. I am not sure what you make of that. I react on it, yeah! 

But I react upon on a lot of things, directly on the internet? One day, they will say, that is ET online war? I am not sure. Informatics Age.

Talking, responding, writing clear, writing English. Its everyone can understand the language. 

I am not sure about this. Its processing data words. How many words count might be.  Like the significant of that words, are they relevant, are they important, which video corresponding, how far how significant, how greater impact to solving a challenge or a problem.

If my brain are constantly has to analyze an issue, a problem a tackle situation. Those things will be analyze if my brain are normal?


August 17th 2022

You want to simply this "Digital Talk" or" The System Talk"? 

You are having a social interaction, because we human are social animal, that you feeling different already if you having friends from online you met them. Just talking, you will feel your energy flowing out to that one person or known person on TV, if they response to you directly. 

Now, that is how you utilize your internet for your need daily. That interaction makes you feeling closer, to talk, openly discuss, share the interests, and making a book gathering, or Art & Crafts designing day, in your house, in their house, or on the weekend, like my brother, he called all his friends to do an Art weekend. He did. In his own houses, they party together.

Your social space how you interact with the people becoming more and more on the Internet, have you notice? So you wish those things are real. You find it the internet talk are real? Really? 

One day of one of those conversation will be "How do you make money online," or" How do you make a business together online". Some they starting to putting a lot of their attention online about a decades ago. 

Right now its 2022.

You start to look at the mirror, when you present yourself. You start to be attentive what everyone else does. You start to "spending money"

This money on the internet, it might the goods you found on the amazon. or one of those Global Girlfriend Networks, how I found my AGT those photo show you wizard of art the clothing to match with a scarf.

You start to paying attention everyone else resume, so you expand, that is not how my resume supposed to be written.

You start to paying attention how everyone does their template, do they buy, or do they design, or how much they spend, to make an impressive website.

Most of you becoming very competitive heart when you deal upon those agenda.....

You may not think any online environment change the way how you speak, how you re-words words, how you shop, how you finding only you like things on the internet and you become their loyal customers, like one of those shipping packing order I just show you in this 2 or 3 days.

One day, you becoming to interested in the "Consumer psychology" or "Comsumer behavior"  meaning what dedicating them moving their attention on a same 4 points frames, and never lose their attention in 10 second, they move to other people's website, flash in, flash out.

 This is where you starting learning things about DATA.

 How today people big or small reading a particular data in the web interwine format, to understand an Online environment so you can surpass that whichever indicates, and you find your niches, or keywords, or analytics results monitization schemes, you can increase your revenue.

That is how simply version I can tell you those two words.

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