
I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

Is IR like a weapon? You mean like the light spectroscopy?

You mean you seeing the results, you didn't acquire the procedure. What is inside the machine or else that Facebook's sister....those case, starting on One Box, to that Walgreen Pharmacy Store.

💖💝 I know you don't have an inventing spirits, or run inside your blood, everything the money concept you have in your brain...💖💝

Do you just....well. If you done right your rudimentary subjects just every line, and make a hell of those Legal Court hell.

If the Statement 1 is true

The Statement 2 is true

Then the statement final conclusion must be true. 

They actually providing you a formula sheet, you just sustaining yourself one semester tutor, you become a pro, forever....I didn't invent anything as long as the court didn't come back with a textbook I used to have. I might even remember the page per flip, if I didn't throw them away, I ask Dean? He is one of those stingy human kept every textbook must be. 

And by now, if you are going to the court with the tiny tiny tiny enlighten the court your tiny IQ coming out a full page paper, they collaborating that works up. That is we cannot start any invention elsewhere.

Or I finding everything else, going on another 5 years...imagine, that time, I decide to open up the 10 subjects books, and you still didn't make it, not the rudimentary subjects, not the court room with the Movies.

They told you there are the money concept....

Is Dating a word in organic chemistry?

In IR and NMR and Mass Spect, you will see nothing but Carbon dating method...your entire Organic Chemistry compound backbone will always always always be carbon no matter what. You have nothing else are the "Backbone", looks like the skeleton.

Its called the Carbon 12 dating methods. At least they have other isotope. Not Twin, well, its the carbon but 14. 

Devil Wear Prade, "That is the new size for 6"?!

Do you American military require to "When you willing to re-start?"  - Like When you taken the General Chem, when the Organic Chem, when PCAT, when MLS, all the librarian how you get in? They let you all in?

Why don't start by living inside the Williamsville, Amherst, near UB? 

And? 194 country human can apply in, just American I guess.

What is an IR? If On, = Moon?!

In Organic Chemistry, there are instrument to analyze a sample.

Mostly time you at least knowing a lab its to create something or synthezie something, and those things we saying they are the Organic Lab? They are the organic Compound, and the methods in which dating these individual situation are the IR, NMR and Mass Spect.

Hey now I remember, that NMR, the coupling, something we used to learn? 

🍤🍤🍤🍤🍤🥭🥭🥭🥭 🍤🍤🍤🍤🍤🥭🥭🥭🥭

🍤🍤🍤🍤🍤🥭🥭🥭🥭 🍤🍤🍤🍤🍤🥭🥭🥭🥭

Tim's look will be the body guard on the bed, that guy. But becasue of this story going into the other Spider man story.

Remember that? 

That both are Asian, but the Adult is the Tim.

But Simon says or no....the other guy tell him, "The Tempament." 

Loving to Cry Little (Comic Book, that words means female in Chinese 愛哭學妹) We have a gender things when you saying 姊 or 妹

You see the left side "女"  = girl, female, Sister older, or the sister younger.

Aria calls me that 姊 when she was a baby.

Nurse are Tim? I c. Spider man new version, in that Asian wearing eyes glasses shorter in the Sunday Hungary Resurrection....

Fat guy + thin eye glasses Asian guy.

Kai is a gay ! oh ~Tim disappeared from my Facebook I guess I won't be telling him, how or when people end up on the moon, together.

That is how you categories Best friend. There is no germ in the vaccum space. You just hope its not true, never surrender the whole life, you always knew how none-conventional methods, you tell your methods, or you never land.

May the wise console always be your guide. 

You see the privacy act are so well intended...
You meant you have the friends.
I try so hard to hide it, when I seeing the Pixie showing up, at least some human heard that.
Why you cannot just do the TV says, that is not the Pixie says, but I say the TV says.
You try to hard to hide.
Didn't I repeat that?

Some people will be honest and deep down telling you.

To that everything Anna says, its copy and paste, no matter what. They didn't understand where you fetch the material from, or so sure, because they all have a dream or a vision lightly in their life, something has to be so sure so sure so sure by watching a TV at last.....

Iron man 3 ending

Right Ovary


O VA nuclear medicine Ry= AI

That’s 911, something happened immediately. I cannot prove you so I didn’t really specify. By points when you trigger …

Kai Bai he is psycho doing things behind should be dead. Of course getting worse….how couldn’t you, right? 13

Last scene = Lalla on that Darkest Nightmare. Don’t require me to do a thing. 

Day time, a Day of Brahma Day or a Brahma Night.

That song 庫拉索 

That Kai. The system. His Tax paying should be NYC. That tax laws are two different worlds than Western New York, or anything outside New York City.

Adria would be outside + Billy, their Tax ID payee filling form.

You see your right hand fist hold tight, the TV says?

It’s a toy digging your heart out and throw to the sea. Fat breast means you exhale slowly, to let it go, or breathing harder on harden the penis straight down pants tight?

It’s just a scene, makes a scene continuously. You see how without knowing how ends ending at long time ago. 

You +Lalla + that 10/7 girl, must pray so hard at God or Buddha to exchange things all your life, you wish by the whole eon evolution, you end at this Bible one wish = true love.

The Grey ending told me.

Then song (I didn’t hear I in room typing the battery dead)

Then Simon talking after the song to a therapist ? His wound is 1983, I drift away?

It must be a song, not a prayer ?

Channel after Iron man 3 “Drillbit Taylor”

That’s a photo for 3 guys? Vartan ? Sorry…what was it Nancy Meyer Home again

Simon!! Oh~ has to be this year every day on Mc Donald (high tech afternoon early says)

I switch to iron man 3, there is an internal lava says someone tonight to be psycho and that’s Obama looking got burn. There is a watch.

所以她副院長= pepper 小辣椒?秘書的意思?

喔!that YouTube song 影片其實 ….

Move on 他說中文不是『我做到』


松德應該看 Iron Man 3 真的,因為 Obama 殺了一個人,在醫療界,一個人就會做監獄!

Oh ~ NSYNC you want to bring your wife coming here ? That hospital or Taiwan? It’s called internal medicine 內科 it’s for women, but you have a brain like my mother or Annca, it’s the same hospital. 

That’s Silicon Valley I end up mid-night. Industrial area, that’s not residential area. 

You jail - you fallen the digital era.

That’s an arm

System upload !

I think I watch TV, my 2 eyes so tired with napping on make-up.

The results are pile-ing up on the TV, still very exciting !

I need to go out

I forget one thing lawsuit …too much to type 

No, Silas facing East 3 o’clock that direction !

I change that lawsuit 

Is that a Da Vinci painting ?



I nap quick

Babaji: Go

我有看到你們在選舉~我在寫 Lawuit, one more....Lawsuit

聽說你們下午才開票呀 ~ 我很多事情有事情以前都在 Pending 我現在需要做

Lawsuit 424


這個其實你們是你們 SMCH 他加拿大小中心的地址!

🌯🌯🌯🌯🌯🌯🌯 🌯🌯🌯🌯🌯🌯🌯

🌯🌯🌯🌯🌯🌯🌯 🌯🌯🌯🌯🌯🌯🌯


Babaji: Go

If you American wish to be there, 成功國宅呀 ! Its on that Avenue. Its the similar to Dennis from, the lower Manhanttan. But they are old too. Its everything around there.

There are cheap things too, but you mix in those people same like you, because its much cheap and they renting out too. I have to tell you earlier, or else you can finding that Dennis now, on the Sailor Moon

I need to write a few law degree stuffs I think.

Lawsuit 421: https://194002e.blogspot.com/p/lawsuit-421.html

Lawsuit 422: https://194002e.blogspot.com/p/lawsuit-422.html

Lawsuit 423: https://194002e.blogspot.com/p/lawsuit-423.html





 🍤🍤🍤🍤🍤🥭🥭🥥🌯 🍤🍤🍤🍤🍤🥭🥭🥥🌯


 Taipei Mayor election AMerican Thanksgiving Weekend

I upload a video yesterday. I need to get out !


我覺得他們留在美國🇺🇸 I think they stay in the US 10, and 3 years at least. 說英文 speaking in English

That culture doesn’t exist in them. Learn English you will learn a lot of other things.

Your brain has to keep speaking that language to become fluent. Work, social, vocabulary input. I told you Asian they need to all learn English. If you all coming in from the American Native speaker, just teach English to understand why you input per person hard job til they can communicate in English.

If you girls start to sound a right and sanely control as a MD to begins your 16 lifes career options at least you will find out you are less than psycho !

Where to touch, what to talk about …you probably all prefer to be with the girls in the end like I say. Most of you. You know what it takes to become a MD? Yeah ~~What majors you put inside your brain per words.

Language, attire, attitude, maturity and stability !

You are per eye sight shattered !!






Babaji: Go






你們怎麼不去跟 ET 打? 有些人的眼睛是擠不出來淚水汪汪, 我連你們的訴訟一個字都沒寫!你們就通通下去地獄呀!是要跟鬼要錢嗎?其實 …. 我會告訴你們是沒有用的,她自己變成鬼就會知道吧!鬼其實知道你們在幹嘛!你們真的很誇張!







跟方方爸爸以前那個房子類似~不是靠水! 靠山!

 Similar to Square's father's place, not close to the water, its more toward the mountain.

Jonathon ! hi ~You know that W Two World, I used to have a roommate? Carol in the NSYNC comet? She bought a Volkswagen, and shipped back to tAiwan by that chinese store. Its cheaper to buy in the US and shipped it.

I have to do the tax next year whenever the court coming down. I check the North Town!!! https://www.northtownvw.com/showroom/2023/Volkswagen/Tiguan/SUV.htm

It where everything ought to be. Tax deducted, I am the American Citizen, that tax, I have to put on something I guess.

W Two worlds its where the Scene, not City & and Hope with your Dad, to end up shooting to each other 2 cars meeting each other middle. One Scene. Should I put on the lawsuit, its Dr. Carol in Justin's head cloth.....Madison Square NSYNC.

But Police they use BMW. 

You know nick, he is from that TTC. To what....I end up this, he cannot possibly don't know a car, there is a blind color to what you purchase. I need the right color, I don't care about other people. The way how I will pick a place, that is close to American several things at, so those road are bigger and straight can go to the highway, from that 5th avenue. Its design like that.

I am going South, but I don't even know where I am going yet. Its a vocational home. If I leave early in the morning, practically there is no human on the highway. 

Do you need to tell your dad first,...you and him are on the One Episode, this kid has a father episode not long ago was on the TV, and then how you and City of Hope are rivalry...and how that is shooting at each other.


Madison Square / NSYNC



I got a map now. My phone broke on the ground together. Its a map!!! Going south! 

🥨🥨🥨🥨 🥨🥨🥨🥨 🥨🥨🥨🥨

🥨🥨🥨🥨 🥨🥨🥨🥨 🥨🥨🥨🥨

You are always alone....you never participating in the human gathering talk, like heart to heart talking to another close human, or just talking like carrying a conversation on the 7-11...like having an interaction.

To the day you seeing the Judge. Before that are the Police Detain....You never realize you are so super frighten seeing the uniform and by per order human in front of you. Your internal beings are made so lonely material, internal, when you seeing outside from your eyes to all this uniform police, their face, their talk, their height, frigthen everything around you, the metal bar, the busy atomsphere, and that Fluoscent light.

That is how one day inside that mental bar jail, or black coal painting jail, you seeing all these white light, Florescent light killing you be per soul piece. That is the Man Made Invention, and you don't even know how your metabolism running down, still those so brighten light to your soul, you are so uneasy, for whatever reason, every darkness inside you sprung out frighten, and fear.

No one sees you internal, how you seeing outside. You imagine....no one knows. Shi.....

Do I feel if I am outside running, its everything they say?! oh No, you mean, everything they tell you per bite to eat?

... You just meant the eating, not the outside running around those would be like the Silicon Valley test on the food only? You suppose to be running around on the certain route AND the food eating, when you arrive finally, you are too tired, you have no more mind to pick the food options anyway? That would be in-love Mahavatar Babaji (Neo or KR) to be. Not the birds.

Which things you are talking about? You mean by per order, which order? The food? The CIA they can eat anything in that cafeteria and their chef are not supposed to be stealing the Tesla Diet on the patent, because I am no more Tesla, its....Pang's dad?

Its the food !

(They say)

You didn't have IQ, you don't have EQ. You don't have patience last.....to per penny count, so when someone commanding you, you will be running around to spend out every dime, its not suffering to you, and to per order where every destination ought to be, nothing but by order so there is a Victoria Secret. Those you cannot validate to the God, that time, God is not showing today on TV, on Sky, on Birds, or per second rate.

You are almost just frighten but following the order No matter what. You die with the order they say so, because you so afraid of jail.

You imagine, or you inventing whom telling you per bites? 

+ If the TV suggesting you, you are somebody, your body, soul and mind, truely waking up every morning, you believing it you are somebody. You have no hell concept no matter what, just like your math on money. Karma per trace.

🤍🤍🤍🤍💛💛💛💛💛 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍💛💛💛💛💛💛💛


Kai Bai 在後面一直在偷東西! 紙張~很多紙張 He stealing of the paper stuffs. APO little

He notify you on the facebook, and he notify you on the Pinterest.

Its double!

🥗🥗🥗🥗🥗🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍 🥗🥗🥗🥗🥗🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍


I have to go

Almost dinner time.

You start by 400 millions stabs the guys, say it every bothering you verdict.

Even going to jail, it’s your best road before God


“My breast so big, Eben say it.”

He is not dead yet. 

Medical Board

 Your karma are pile-ing up with the interests long ago…

The court doesn’t do the ET says but there will be a day even the mortal them will die. You are not doing any right things.  Die and go to hell. That is one second reality. 

No. It will always be the appearance issues Asian are Buddhism so 20 country not in face lift reason…but that will be a primary formost reason, front and the back.

You have a head, not waist line below. But that’s some has the head….you mean you obesity !!

Not desperation you will never lose the weight down. 

Your articulation in which language ? I am not in China. You are not overall know what you are doing. You wish to use the court power to? Imagine what they all imagine too.

Micky mouse will become 100 years old, every those years are already in court. Every human efforts try…not on today !!

Technically … I am still one last digit to move


Practically no one does what I do, so I will be your first reference having zero supports. It’s better you do exactly what I tell you, phase out your entire existence after. 

There is a George, there a Aria, so is their own mother and granny…

Behind…right, technically no one seeing you. But you still have to in contact someone talking behind, and your age would be on your faces? Those are a real reality. 

I don’t need to tell you anything. But my position is …I do what I need to do.

You want to make a sense of your movies you want to switch to a calligraphy like how you write a diary ?

Might be you are inspired and organized your own legible to start?  I tell you what the movie means, that was 2008? The age was over long time ago, you start at 15. Practically you cannot acquire anything in the movie through the ET. None. That age pass will be 15 to start. The 15 years old.

You become invisible it’s better. Including the shape.

They get to become the star, the bf the gf, the what stuffs 1 to 1000, nothing but them to becoming.  I thought I repeat this thousand times before. 

You will be 生、老、病、死
Meaning Buddha told you movie story, born, old, sick, die.
You are not capable anything. When you are younger like me now I taken 1000 photo, even when I old, it’s better you taken 1000 photo they look at you, straight to your eyes. 

You Know when was the last time I told you, copy exactly things I do?
Everything I am that I am ?


You are imagine 194 Pixie only 

你們去元太銀行,前面一棵樹沒有旁邊的小小 brush


2 = 台欣 +HSBC 匯豐

2 = 元大+他隔壁 兆豐


In front of that Conan bank (fat kid = 元太) there is a tree without the short brush.

I put the real estate on a separate webpage, I tell you security, painting, lighting, floor, inspection …a lot of people choose different reason, like my grand mom used to live …that’s one ball dance school 師大附中 those Pop, real estate because it’s so hard to get in. We live there 2010, guess what?

No one living down stair, we are at 6th. Me, my mother + grand mom

So I show you when I finish in case your 194 country watching it. 20 years.

Empty ….maintain the property yeah, never finish walking and find things around.





Babaji: Go

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 不是將軍府,是東帝士,綠色的旁邊(電視上面叫做東華帝君)⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️






你們知道什麼叫做鳩傳雀巢? 意思就是其實 Austin 他家前面的警察局是他們三代的命 ...應該是座監獄才會在哪邊~ 他們家族在那邊,我覺得他們賣好了!

我最近才看到他媽的~~還在! 小鳥不知道在叫個什麼~ 台北電信局的正前方呀 ! 

那邊是信為四場要督更,那邊其實過去台北電信局的那一排不算是信為市場但是那邊有你們的掛包! 那一條下去是摩特車,以前叫做兩萬~現在是八萬? 這東西抵稅嗎 ? 我不開車了已經...那邊會直達有個素食的 Sogo 後面,你們知道以前的 書店的正對面跟過去的新東陽到,以前的 Sogo 的斜對面是新的 Sogo


Zawanna 還是混在一起的 Seth UFO 台北車站?

賣早餐的東西? 我沒有賣早餐,我其實不吃早餐的~

我可以告訴你們我需要什麼~大安國中的正門! 現在那個後門是我媽現在有個小學畢業,需要存在的東西! 我記得~那應該是家樂福的那邊是正門方向,後門

愛在屋簷下的,Austin 他媽的跟他的 Pizza Hut. 那邊有一個仲介,還是這邊一排的上面的仲介? 金子應該在下方好~~叫做我走路方便的關係,那個牆壁有畫了什麼東西叫做 現世報嗎 ? 什麼時候蓋好,那們會在哪裡,我說像現在這種情況? 小鳥是說那個仲介,但是小鳥又說是往華南銀行方向從這張畫下去  右邊~

醫院 = 院長

學校 = 校長 


🤍🤍💝💖🤍🤍 你們銀行 ....知道誰會變成氣球 ?! 🤍🤍💖🤍🤍

我只是問問~~美國是槍 =bubble gum?  這世界唯一會一直存在的東西就是銀行叫做『永恆』...不能動的定理 ! 怎麼會一大堆氣球?

對了~這種金木水火土叫做...大廈我有去看,你們就在正下方 ~~台欣他們是不是一整棟的,Paul 叫做 1 嗎 ?



我以前高科技見過!我的螢幕變成模糊,你們跟那個 SMCH 



打點滴是打什麼?美國有一種跟 raccoons wars= Blsck Ops, 世界上不可能有人叫做 mix with ET fighting and stealing each other information without generating a proper meal. 

Has to be a women …

You use girls to deal with Raccone? 灰人 ET 在那個鋼鐵人的什麼最後一戰

One normal meal in the hospital ??

White rice, mayo and corn ?

Just corn I look at 我只要看到玉米,我莫名奇妙的就會火🔥起來🤬

我已經不能在看下去了,第四集,你們… ….有時候要長大點,不是所有事情尊上有個名字就所有事情我來扛,不是嗎?我得,一個人等時間的黎明,我相信,我一直都是其實最相信,不論任何情況,你們都是可以的做成在民主之下,成為自己最耀眼的人生

I cannot keep watching it down. 4th episode, you ….all sometimes need to grow up. Not everything I have a name it’s me Honorable superior to shoulder it down, isn’t ? I have to, one person, waiting the other side of Time Sun rise. In the reality, in fact, I am the most trusting you person, under any circumstance, under that democracy world how you wish to become the most shining star.


I am always the one, it’s the one wishing you all the best 



Sometimes you have to know, that Honorable Superior cannot walk with you down, the front road.

對她滿慈子、對你們都是一樣的,那是太久以前的事情,她的演化之下,應該不會有什麼影響跟記憶,當人們年老,老化的時候其實就是他 Elon Musk 哥倫比亞海盜的牆壁上,石化了

To Purna, same to you all, that’s very very vety very very loooooooooong time again things. Should not be anything influence on her memory, because when you are aged or aging, it’s the same like that Elon Musk Pirates of Caribeans on the wall, 石化了!




🍕🍕🍕 bathing ….1234 liking (you all bribing needed)

Prince William - ASMR

Simon - warm weather 

Biden - Burberry

Keanu Reeves - watch or medical.

Someone else are those Rolex

You can finish the rest, I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

Ep 04


 uh...she doesn't act like that alone with Prince William. The otter does....the Den Beaver!!!


It would be the roller blades the Public Relation that girl name 叮噹 talk like that. Not the model Commercial. Both the same high school like me. 

Four Asian little Dragon Country, you know them?  亞洲四小龍

This means, most girls after your drinking + eating + housing...without your parents, you don't have a saving for 500,0000 NT Dollars.


His name is 鬼火? Is that Biden, re-plot.

First guy = Prince William.

Tina stop Hank's car on the highway in the middle of it. 

That slip, glass, are not supposed to be the air vanculating, in your finger tips......like fans.

That is the air.....you wave at.

What is that Tamang's microscope, so interested to look at it? The Onion eyes? What does his father says....the Onion rings?! I know what those are. I am asking you what do you do with that Twlight microscope for?

I know what is a microscope, the cell, and the cell division, or the filiment, those slip glass under the microscope...Tamang may not know what that is. I know what those are.

You wish to finding a new thing in Twlight?

Onions are known, so its in that High School Class. Its not something news, that is why its very fond of that Class style, someone does that on the movies. I don't know if that is ET. I just say in general. 


(You have a trutent? )

The onion layers are layers one side to internal, one piece per piece. And they can be so easy seem on the surface you turning them, or cutting them.

Your skins concepts will be from the Surface down. Normally the elementary textbook, has those cell structure, just how fond they all doing this.....毛細孔

The pole of where you air out....as if. How do you describe those.


生物細胞    毛細孔   洋蔥



You usually labeling them as the "Tissues". You can write on your reports. The tissues means they the multiple cells to becoming a whole piece under....inside the glass, how you call them the English words, the transparent things, well. Glass.

You speak a better English than I am.

You can just copy the video that title words.

She walks in the tunnel, you always looks like that? Every base or? You don’t have the light in the hallway but the lab?

Circle about a coin big, you see?

On glasses

Wait .....it cannot possibly to be this


What is



"At the Quote"?!


There is 90210

23 !! 


 There is something about ... x3  I cannot understand it all.