Lawsuit 403: Loving the Silent Tear (How to make Money, Medicine, Laws and IT Development World encompass Digial Era & Informatics )

Date: Nov 17th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: To all the Medical Board in America and 194 countries I online Title 194 Commander-in-Chef will say to you, you can have no jobs, and not one person faint in the concert, or one person dead in front of your MD, or Politician such as Obama. One person dead, like Dr. Gabriel, you go to jail.

This law will apply to entire Earth sphere. You can have no jobs, you can just go home with your parents, but no murder attempt, including England Prince and their Mansion maid since 20 years ago.

Hallo Buddha, from Hong Kong Singer, was England colony before 1997. Wing has the Passport both England and Hong Kong, therefore, they can fly to England with that passport.

This would not be the first time you hearing me on a lawsuit, til when the 400 numbers gone by and a numerous attempt, I am engraining you some scientific knowledge on the basic concepts with or without you opening upon your own textbook where I learn this knowledge from.

Whether you find it successfully inside your textbook, or without, that is where I learn from K1 - K12, and University to Graduate School. I had a degree Master, UB.

It will be my sincerely letter to all of you to understand the stake on making a big money, a glorious moment after age 50, your reality will begin at your both parents dead.

1) You are not developed your characters to spend time just with your parents.

2) You are not equip to be the home owner.

3) The Fire Department will join the Police Forces on these Lawsuit cases, should be your understanding your new home should never be leaving without no one staying in it.

4) True love and games between the boys and the girls do exist.

5) Money on debts and scamming groups are both existed.

6) The conditioned human having certain seat, true. 

7) No one asking you to find a niche with or without me. You cannot be happy without even just even getting near to me to say closing down 2 weeks all by yourself, you will find, how that real niche supposes to be - the Real Money Concept. What you capable to carry a language to proficient in your future independent free lance jobs.

8) Youtubers are the free lance jobs.

9) You should target your state or federal to the University Professor, as well as the K1-K12 teaching position, as if you understand perfectly, only when you verbalize out of your brain, you understand what you think, and what you really portrait out, its two different things for someone IQ like you.

10) Everyone has a different clarity issue.

11) Everyone karma is different.

12) For you to feeling less lonely, its best you understand some ancient teaching such as the collective works forces where you seeing human. Your evolution has not grown to be away from all the human, one human going in job. 

13) You are not happy.


The Warring Time is right now, 2022 between Ukraine and Russia, therefore the ending of this Loving the Silent, the very end of this video has a several portrait to our current time.

They will be jailed to all this needie and greedie details. The president, the businessman, the Medical Doctor, the New Age, the Orthodox. 

Jail records


Tony Robbin

Dr. Gabriel Cousen (New Age MD) 

Supreme Master Ching Hai, the female prison inmate

Steve Jobs running down a mansion (Lauren)

That treat some presidential guests, the President and the First Lady, to that the mansion running down, and I keep saying to you, what was my major Chemist, so that jobs will be Taipei Underground Water City Hall debates.

You don't use enough water, you will be taken out by the Health Administration people. That rules are as far back as 90s I already know it well.

CEO Lesson (Movie Intern 2015) 

If you don't want to lose your entire house on the court paper, you should have found out now, its the entire price gone out of your credit reports what you borrowed. 

Like Eben Pagan, like Craig Ballantyne, like Simon Cowell.

You want to keep proven me wrong, you need to keep going in, so someone can show up in front of my house including phone message, or the online chat room, specify they are from the Legal Court, what stuffs I say wrong from the movies?

Like you know it, "You cannot hide forever...." 

This lawsuit will specifically targeting at you all fallen Digial Era, the informatics skills. Losing the School Line and Square and the Digital Formatting worlds, where you need the paper close book jobs. Without the internet, the phone, the 4 bubble tea on the table.

This lawsuit I do not need to activating right now. For OU book saying there are 100 years old, there are 200 years old. On the internet there was 500 years old man, whom getting married in each and every era, at least.....I can just inquire to the court, to when I activating this lawsuit. The world statues will be 500 years just letting you all fallen your Digital Era on the System Scale things. For this is the freedom how the Constitutional laws allowing you, I understand.

That 400 millions are 2 millions each nation to mock up around 200 total countries on the map that having a National Song, a National Flower and a National Flag.

For the Digital Era and Informative to strive, to every degree you hear every word I say, and you bow, kneel, flat, 2 millions dollars each countries are not a too big of price, considering these might be when I am 100 years old, 150 years old, or 200 years old, whichever this OU language I shown you already. You all prefer to die before your parents. I never say I care whom live or die, as long as I must carry on in life without any of you.

And, in case you reading these before I cash in...let me telling you once you becoming a ghost, don't bother calling me.

I will or if my mood will, I leave you a sign, you all ghost going to the Poster Board where you ought to be standing there to read, just like this life, you never finish reading the words online, one line per line. Your living secrecy to dead ghostly existence still require someone living to shown you, I assume you know it, how the telepathy and intuitive thoughts, you completely don't know what you do with your life, even while you are dead.

However long before I become dead, or if I will ever be dead.

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