Lawsuit 526: To this Backstreet Boy situation to the entire Country on one Earth, each nation its one billion starting price

Date: Dec 13th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: You don't pour your every dime and money, military resource, education favor to my line WWII, to that American troops back up

You will extinct from your map

My last warning. 

1. No electrocity, gay reinforce anymore right. 

2. Romance game, keep vola, no nuclear reaction

3. Your underground refugee military dead, you won't be notified.

4. AI proven in the OU, its when I like....understand? 

5. Natural Disastrous, pollution to Climate Change not only to the nuclear power only providing the electrocity, or the pure water fresh water its the only consumption water. Or none animal supporting you all dying them out none eco world value to that how the pollutant water ends up your factory waste lines never ending. So you will run out of the fresh drinking water.

6. Plaque, no Public hygenic, both the man and women spreading AIDs.

7. Keep romance playing field, everyone I say retrieve Pixie, on the sea, you will have the land exactly you mean you know the police man, fireman, metro public transportation lines are in your command when I train, they die out. Without your food, your water, your toiletry, your period pad manufacturing daily life necessasity.

That punishment its forcast. 

Keep reinforce your low IQ. You only have first 20 years proven your schooling. Every year after its none existing to your character, to your money, to end up Keanu Reeves, Simon Cowell, and Eben Pagan, parents will be dead after 50 year old. Intern (lost the water pipe house in America, its all going down without a dime)

Got it?

People like Police, Fireman, Metro, public transportation to the in-land security industiral machinary transport. You ought to favor your own in-line military faciliating their learning and resource conducting methods

Exactly like 白色圓舞曲, 白木蘭圓舞曲, 紫色夜丁香, 戀武曲

Whom I train, whom I say live or die. Its on my command. Not you all just meant it how long you will last without them staying in.


To the girls warning, you should have your evolution on that 4 stove Public Hygenic, both hands.....for one guy, no matter just being kind to that one guy.  I never ask you to groups all the guys for lust, you hatinig them 1 to 400 millions dollars stabs.

To the guys warning, your imagination like Eben's friend like Dean its to control the military resource how they seeing them, without my eyes poking out Eternal Love 3310. You see....they have a reason why they wish to be seen by the military. I just don't care looking at them. Its finished and over.

But you could all thread your mill to you next every step, as if that strategic planning to that future....its not I say it counts. Its whomever you thought you one person alone games, always get anywhere. That IQ does not installed at.


Kryon UN

After He left UN, he has some material regarding to the temperature. Its your right never investigating 1911 after China becoming the democracy, how Taiwan was the ROC moving south migrant. That Freezing Winter or they meant it the dramatic weather changes you cannot stay in the colder climate, or producing more children on it.

One frame

To all things clear

That will be more than 1 billions dollars per country on the maps.

When that day the Open Galaxy - Full Disclosure, you hope your map done right, or else, you will all be jailing exactly at.


Sariputra's mother's birthday. Tamang raise the gun at. You seeing his lawsuit case court paper, that date you recognize on this facebook. Mummy (1999) Lawsuit, she is a symdrone, he has to meant killing it. MD 6+1  and MD 4+1 on the system indicator lights.

You should have asking your own country in-line, if that technology called the Glass A Day really exists. They cannot tell you. All the signals end back in Taiwan land.

That lawsuit should exist. You don't move....over here.

What is the System and All System Domino?

If your Pixie, or System People wishing you all dead

Really...I am the Collective Karma Top. That is what I will be telling you. My ability growing, to when that disclose day, every tiny details, its not their prayers none-answer like you all. See?

Its whom's delivery rate, Andy is better !

You want to see me through that Apple. Like which lawsuit I say, you going there to live 20 to 40 years. That loooooooong time starting a start Communication Laws like Melinda, I never say anymore with Edison. He became the NJ, to that Hollywood film producing away from the money debts not paid issues. Its on your newspaper too long ago 1928 Micky Mouse. 

Then you finding it out what you need, you extracting to those company, still where they end up. You mean they end now you will have no more 20 to 40 years as I say, you need everything they got.


Don't changing it back and forth your consequence to what you meant it you know what the things done were not the initial costs for your moutful jobs.

And by the way, once that Open Galaxy terms come, your American has one paper to landing in the Chinese word I had a screen shot at. Their United State means a One World.


So....the possible situation to all your poor statues, you should check the Hunger Game or the Justin Timberlake In Time. That New World its every Galactic points are All System Domino, including your literacy defined.

With your family background, wealthy usually are the republican.

Bloodline usually more settlement.

You still need your literacy to end up their court, you see? Right? So before you got on their court, you imagine the American Supreme Court were none citizen favors. Including me? Your 1 billions dollar + pay, remember...didn't make you one person better looking.

You just really need one less people click the buttom on that System sounding methods.

Like Prince Harry 275 Lawsuit.

To that American you all saying President Joe Biden youth plagiarism car dealership here you go

Let me tell you 4 economic little dragons on the democracy terms goes, not just you finally realize SMCH might be control to that OU language was the classify materials, you going along, or you finding it out she might be "斂財" that will be a female prison jail inmate, like Hailey like 滴妹  copy exactly NSYNC or Justin Timberlake.

South Korea, you know it? Their every president ends in the jail every terms after. My mother told me. I never checking online. You want to check the facts?

Obama would be fallen the day he shot that Bin Ladin. MD Dr. Gabriel one file case on the Wiki. Wiki is not citation, academia resources, but like Tony Robbin that melice a girl case. You taken it, that Wiki can write whatever they want. Anna I Honorable Superior was the Librarian, to that Text editing, you check if you want to edit through the Top?

Its free entry editing service.

MLS is the English and the History major, let me reminding you case they Wiki willing to say, I willing to just sent them all to the hell just by guessing, I am blind on the TV, I have no choices!!!


The court might have another piece of paper. Its within some set-up in this world, some nations, or some country have a definition to that ability department, its by per sequence they say how it ending up on the public domain internet to be examined, they never told me I am under the pressure, just as if you all not ill-intended.

Its per case check behind, when I am off line, or on-line. 

I have no choice to be on-line. Its when they are validating prove, I can tell them I told them since 2018. Not before, that is 3 years you will see billing when the galaxy comes with the people.

I suffer more than you know it. So when you are alive to taken to hell or exactly the moment those Star Police excuating you immediately at your door. Its the Laws finally break through. I see Justice or Light. Really. 

Then, you many legal proven cases went through, exactly by the numbers. Not by the mouthful jobs, a validate police paper.

Then I will remind one thing they why exist at their jobs effortlessly. 

Its exactly 100% on the jobs, they also have the money to pay if....I becoming! I don't really know if you all girls don't care the guys get the extra pays. 

The guys will listen to me better....want the cash extra?

That is everyone does in that movement inside China must be. The guys are bored, need to breath, want the cash money, wish to see....New Trend. You guess whom did that jobs for their only one purpose cared. The money.

And get things right in life, sometimes its their terms in their youthful mind growing up, no more the bad ass in the Past.

Legal Battle Ground

I am not sure that is in the System. The Total File and Winning cases number, and the total receiving money, without the police = civilian sector, that has nothing to do with the Court Jurisdiction pay.

And the Fireman Department, all you creative talent new made clothing. We all Africa, woka woka Shirka, Humility Running Deep.

Shakira - Waka Waka (This Time for Africa) (The Official 2010 FIFA World Cup™ Song)

Try to define better, per IQ issues like you all.

The birds meant that its better you stay indoor writing your PC, or acquire a higher University Degree, not to get to those field. Your personality, or less injury, to pain your life, you feeling more settle as you get married, having the children around you and you focus on your desk to writing like those Law Librarian if you as a guy meeting one of those Top guys. 

Go and see a male Librarian, Law Librarian whom has a book written, to his work, and how he evolved binds to his chair, and that money, when it is Yale those Top. Not just the publication or the fame, or the settlement to your sleep better, friends better, social better, interact literacy different, meeting the opportunity different. Those might be more of your future saying ....gear towards to.

The beginning of the video keep saying the left foot in Chinese like the birds say. I can tell you what I found out. But its better you just do this the final birds saying your future outlook, by just walking to that free academia University, finding one male law librarian. 

One publication, one book, or where his private desk to that Tenure you dreaming off.

Yale, next. Not just the State University limited to.

That will be the Truth I am telling you. But as the guys, yes, I understand how you don't move, you rather just die. True. You might have some literacy for supporting that. Its your guy's male's hermone. Your instinct to kill rather than that, you go to kick a ball, or exhausting your every muscle ligament, you feeling truly truly truly dead, that moment, you reason yourself with the God better. Not before.


uh....their A Day in Life gone to a bright and shining.

My vision will be the Star Outside, Central, saying the Future, one of the author away from the female groups, it will be the rest of the male groups. That to the most known or best or better....its the Yale interior design, dark red color wood, like my home furniture. You seeing those color. 

I seen in the Gilrmore Girl. I didn't think it was the exactly copy....uh. I thought that was the American trying to say mix in that ET, whichever whom says. Not I thought it was the exactly says.

It is the exactly that says.

They will look old to me. The white hair like one of those dad people. To yesterday that Taiwan one video, its very unfortunate. But that set up, might be very very very related to that future you will see, or meet, or imagine you hear tale.

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