Lawsuit 442: Sailor Moon 美少女戰士 (Political Spirtuality)

Date: Nov 30th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: 政治靈修 this will be refering to one person (Central Power to detect lies by diet)

Tim Cook diet in the Steve Jobs Biography were the energy bar or laterly he was saying he eat the American breakfast. 

Judy, Zootopia. She is a raw food North near us, might be near Alexandro, nick one time took me up there. They change to a new location. You cannot lie about the location?

Its Dimitri like the Blue Berry, not the Blue Berry gun. 

2 wings structure, dim light, like one photo in the Sailor Moon. The way how they really drawing it, it will be that more navy darkness blue, not exactly ugly you meant to see it, just looks like that. 

Tim Cook, he will be that one person knowing that as the Central Power, by your diet to his same or not = lies to the Central. No I don't know if Tim Cook eat raw. 

I eat the Luna Macadamia nuts energy bar. It is in the Wagmans, they sell the whole boxes, upper shelf, the tall like him. No, not the Sailor Moon Luna cat. Its white, not black. Its white chocolate on the top of the Macadamia nuts energy bar. 

Nick eats cliff bar. Canadian the organic store or the Feel Rite, that is probably mostly they sell, for the sports arena. I don't necessary doing anymore sports after UB or high school. I walk after UB graduate school.


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