
I go to my massage chair, shower, clean up, rest for the day.

Babaji: Go.

Most time, you probably really want to control the guys, not that you knowing what it is.....you mean intimacy with the guys.

You really need to get out of the house with some other friends party together okay?

2 People relationship usually mean, you and him in the house alone, for the rest of your life. That will be my best advice, the rest, you asking the guys if they telling you the truth of it. 

They touch your butt, you scream

They get near by you, you stare at him.

They come around you saying something, you telling your parents.

I told you thousand times I don't have a parents, I keep saying that to you, where you ought to be. 

The money its not secure, okay? I just gonna tell you that. Unless you really establish a career, one day, long time......looooooong time, you stablize yourself with the money, you imagine a guy. Those guys you learn how to deal with them that time, you may never need a guy anymore. 

You get close to the girls, trying out that. The guys I need them to station mobile on the ground, right now....whatever that means to you. You can just kill each other on the girls quota romance. The guys' quote needs to stay mobile and steady.

🥭🍓 Maybe let me make a list of all this things again on the girls part. The guys, i just telling you I don't care about it anymore. Women are much more minority I already repeat that thousand times, as if I will be the last person on this Earth to help you at all. 🥭🍓

Don't imagine a Face cards

The University Major

Laws, Medicine, Pharmacy, Science. Use a scientific methods to approach a problem solving, including 4 stove cooking if you want a romantic relationship and including cleaning procedure under there, on your diet, America is turning to know very very very fat statue including on the guys' belly.

Law Society means be lawful

Learn about it.

Romantic Idea

I think as a girl, you accumulate the money always the only thing in life, not the relationship. I never really believing in the relationship, practically I didn't do anything to the guys.


Your debts are very very very bad attitude, the collectors will find their ways to you, no matter what. You homeless, you still have a math existing.

There are many many guys are junks, there are. 

But you don't go and making an enemy to everyone especially on the guys, when they sometimes even doing you some little nice things. To that humanity, you hope them the best, you staying away from them.

Making Money

A systematic methods exactly like your transcript to demonstrate your GPA and the multi-talents. A lot of fake things are not lasting. Don't imagine Youtube, a lot of things are very fake, you cannot see the trajectory of One Lifetime.

A relationship

You have your right with your parents, so you doing that with the guy, most time its not very kind. They might be very harsh to you, so you really hold the grudge inside. Then leave it. Just tell the court, those things pile it up, you are more the modern trend of the girls needs those freedom as your parents raise you like that. 

But those things to the Old Trend, whichever Upper....well, they might never arrive to our life, your periods along issues, weight issues, Low IQ issues, no money issues.

So you will be saying the Earthly guys only. Some of them are bad too, and selfish and they cannot meet the ends meet, and they will be also on the streets too. 


Not like you just swing yourself to hit the guy's hand, you all girls really doing that. Or hit the guys' head or pillow at them, or something, you meant that is a cute things to do, or you imagine you are saying a thing to the guy? Most guys growing up a little bit different, they know what is a physical assault means.


Say it right

Hallo, Goodbye

Let's someone passing by me, He looks on my face, "Is there something wrong on my faces?" The guy look at you. With all this movies crisis going on, you insist he will look at you with some explaination, that is really really stupid. 

There are a lot of things like that. A lot.

Meaning if from my perspective, don't be with a guy, seriously. Just go alone life, you don't have to be with a girl. Its....not compatible. The guy suffered.

You don't get involve a relationship, you should go back home with your parents. You all seem to be talking to your parents. You know when was last time I had a conversation with my mother at all? Never? 

Elementary, no

Middle school, no

High school, no.

Like right now she hearing me explaining her anything, not a phone call, not a dialogue, not a conversation. So when I growing up to one day being with a guy, coming back home. I take it I have to live with her, not that I EVER interact with her. But from small things, because she cooked what she used to know, some farmiliarity does come back. From a little bit things I can relate, you really really really need your mother, change the bed sheet, cleaning the bathroom the sink tube, or the balcony, or the floor, or vaccum, and the exactly the full room garbage does not throw out. 

Because you are married. 

You cannot take that, okay? Just go home, that will be my best saying. 

Sexual relationship

When you finish your 4 Stove, FDA making food, a lunch box, a picnic table with the floor mat, with basket, or with some flowers those things BBQ.

Don't think about it.

Cleaning, cleaning periods, ask the guys if he buys you the period pad. You have 5 days. That is real right? Or you have a different kinds of period I don't even know?  2 and half day I work on it. I don't even have that huge amount, if I EVER knew what other girls ever say, none of you talk about your period, how painful, how bad, how situation lasting....That is per monthly garbage load your mother or you yourself process it. 

Movies if were Outbound (Earthly )

Don't bother with it. Its not real.  You could just ask any random guy, near by, stranger, on the road, if they ever become a lot of money, fame, and power by their own methods of the evolution to get there, you will be so liberating......a political extremelist, to blastomny God.

Those Worlds have a doctrine also on the morality and Gods. You will never never never never make it, okay? 

The Movie will always makes more of the movie wishing the entire world girls just fallen on guys.

True. Its not purpose to hurt you. If you stay close to the guy's worlds, that might be more of a reality, than the girls. The situation on the girls are very very bad.

But, if you really want, you can asking the Court, if the ET changes that movie screen, you prefer that soften the hostility you towards this entire situation.

ET, the race I heard of from the America Classify, Reptilian or Greys, they looks like a guy to me, whichever I can see. Probably you really really really really needs that 4 bubble tea on the table one afternoon, why don't you really go and finding your 4 girlfriends, and really trying out once, those bubble tea each, on one time.

I just say once, so you start to knowing your inner Self, not pretending I don't know you have a feeling what that life its about, feeling more breathing on it. 

Yeah, we UB, those girls from CAC, that is what we used to do, I almost forgotton about it. Whom or what or might be ET telling me what is about this bubble tea?! Its next by UB, one time they open a shop next to the Cinema. I believe even the girls we were, also standing at that Cinema, after the Bubble Tea.

Just the girls. 

On the other side of the UB entrance. I drive, Karen drive, Adria drive.

I think there are people already are on the street.

You don't know whom they are, what they are, or where they end up. And therefore, you are all alone doing this things whenever the time left down.

Tiny 4.0

You believe certain things, that will be your best religion and the lifestyle, and debts might be part of that beliefs. Its best you leave your parents home as soon as things settle, that is why you strive to the Court on the Tiny House. - When the TV telling you.

You cannot live with your parents. You don't care about your sibling, and you certainly meant it with them together they gang up on you. Everyone needs you to leave, okay? That is as simple as that. You don't have to, until your parents saying that. Or the Court has the measurement what is the best for everybody, or it already done, I don't even know.
When people like IQ is very low, they didn't use their Brain things to run anything including bet on the Court, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it. You didn't do the right things, you gamble on it.  
Its wrong. It happens all the time, when you are desperate, you are low, you are hungry, you are not happy, you started to shrinking in, like those Elon Musk Pirates of Caribean, and one day, you motionless becoming the same wall with your mouth opens. 

My head hurting a lot a lot a lot. Her throat. Can any of you stop this? Very badly injured all the time.


So that was what you were busy at? Two Week Notices + Proposal from Sandra Bullock?


I highly doubt you 4 will be ever again be together, but if the girls power suppose to make it work, you have a 4 containers, made a community center like the movie says, you use the internet like the College dormitory in there, you have a TV or a sofa

You know, like a container. I have no ideas what those Movie: 2 Weeks notice says. You girls technically prefer drinking alone, fallen alone. Just a Line App to start, so ashamed to each other, really.


Is Tiny Home a Trailer? Yes, it is. It is on wheel, you don't have a standard of those shower curtain things, Sanitation. What is a difference to the trailer Park? They might be bigger, you mean with the management 4 seasons living trailer, or park site?

The trailer means the property you look at the legs. The residential houses are the foundation down, or you have a basement you would know its under.

You don't fly away, or your property or your satellites does not all goes away with the natural environment. Most time they require a more warmer climate, because....they off the grid, that is the main points on saying, you don't want to use an Internet anymore.

You save the costs

On Water

On Electric

On Gas/ wood burn stove

On Solar Panel, most time they have a piece of land.

You staying in the nature, you go to work, you pay off your debts.

They fall off the Digital Era, that saying?


Like Tony Robbin those human talking great skills. In jail like SMCH.

Walk over for the bar drink. Steal, or monitor, or...strolling, fallen on the trail, break a hip. She got trip over the stem or the tree root, one of those I think. Badly injure. Nick's sister.


Like nick's neighbor were from Romanian. Her hustand has a job, her job was a night time striper, guess what her hobby its. The wood panel, she made a great deck behind a house, and so many addiction, he was mad. You spent a lot of times on the deck building, those kinds of saying. They will be at Home Depot.

They burn.

Photo 2





I nap

Babaji: Go

The behind, might know this song.


You have to literally be able to open your mouth say it, like a real job, you getting to be competitive.

What are these art?

What can I help you, or assist you?

IT, Eco, selling strategic, introducing your own small home, how the land is, how the width is, how the height is.

Like everything you become a highly literate human supposes to be.  

You practice how to be confident, doing more on the video, doing more eloquence, to become competitive in the real world. You teach the kids, you boss your ex-husband, SHUT up, here are the plan A to zoning district -Z.

This is me, that will be you.

You probably don't always get things you wanted it. But you always be telling them your overall plans, at all.

You need money, you ask them.

You need the housing, you ask them.

You need a plan and a housing and the future, you ask them.

You wish a job, you ask them.

You have a profolio, you ask them. Practically you just continue maid them.

I thought Prince William has a sectretary desk, you can tell them, to called someone in....You say, "Anna is doing this Sailor Moon, you pay me or you pay anyone else the same, it will be on that Meghan's title as the part of the plan, Neither, nor. "

One of those, you study the material, you be aware of what is the Eco- process about it. 

You can just get that in 5 years, and sold it. You try out, not that you mean you stay there forever, you stabilize your jobs in 5 years, that time, you have a saving in your bank account, I think the most intuitive sense, you will feel more control over your life, you decide what is the next step, getting another house, you know.

You see the mother and the daughter pair, or some kinds of the living quarter, the kids can growing up staying over, to watch over the house sometimes.

Depends how you talking to them, those saying. You invest on yourself to invest on the kids too, their education, their awareness, you talk about it, they seeing you doing something. One day, if they growing up and still staying in the Palace, you just moving back to the Palace, still the same things. That is a throne line right?




Babaji: Go

I didn't go to any of those jobs? You mean after graduation? I got 6 months in the same Marley human, that she goes to CA, I go to Taiwan. How funny.

I got dragged, one things its my family someone die. 

One day its the Loving Hut Project, if we don't, we all gonna die by 2012, to that SMTV, so it was hold on.

One day its this I create a Youtube channel, I did accumulate something, and my statistic things I can see.....I didn't really want to give up all that.

Then I came back from Taiwan, to Erin happened to go to Ph.D. I staying with the UB up til just right before I finish the decoding the genetics stuffs on all the paper, I was too scared to key in on the computer system, I actually by that time, STRESSFUL over Reptilian and Grey, just as those year I reading the Project Camelot without Eben human. 

So I was very very very stressful over that, it was the Tesla thing. 

Then 8 long years pass again, since 2014/ 2013, I never finish this Simon Cowell stuffs Harry Potter.

What is a speical library? It will be as big as the museum, they hold the speical collection. We have the whole class going there local buffalo to Cataloging the entire collection.

The Whole Class. Its online. I lost the link or the name?

Its just like the regular Museum, for the private collector, that is very big places, you are almost saying how big your cubical space to those Howard Stern human, on per office desk jobs, similar to those Taiwan Youtuber, I show you.

That is a cubical.

The museum those are not a cubical. 

What do I Anna eat at home, if I ever be free again away from my mother? Well....I have salad and soup making. I heard my mother say that is her friends did for her husband, she made one week soup in America, but she is planning to come back here to retire. Too expensive in America.

You can plan in your own head, if you gonna be in one of those super giant space Museum...what is your working hour, you see what I mean? What you really need.

I don't eat lettuce, but I have cucumber, carrots all shredded to those shell enclose Avocado. Here is more expensive. They might even just be decent on my food stamp America or China/Taiwan paying for it. But I uses all the Jar those litter by litter jar water. 

My trajectory those time? My mother and my brother were in NYC that time. Her friend kid went to the Public librarian in Flushing, NY. That was where Tina live. Most public library, you been to? You can see its very breathing all around. Those are called the public librarian. Its a public service, meaning its a reference desk. 

"How do I research online?" 

"You open a browser, to the School or Google, here is how to type a keyword." 

That is probably not Prince Harry did, but I am sure he is too ashame by saying all that at all, but that will be your basic skills as the librarian, on the reference desk. All kinds of the background people coming in. You could just see it those New York Department of Labor. We go there for the unemployment insurance.

You say Anna says between that France or Italy, someone smuggle the Mona Lisa right on the Internet to the Police report, so you go learning some French or Italian, on one page introduction of yourself even. I had one page 430 wrote it those....French class in UB. I never get the extra credit.

Well, you don't need to be around the kids when they all growing up if you don't want to. But there is a reason why you deliver all those things including that Vatican in Italian. I think no matter what it looks to you, you can go to the British upper scale of the Art Categories of those Ph.D human, just looking at them, talking to them, if you want to be in their Class.

I mean a studious guy, or you never need to be with anyone. You never need to cook again. You join that conversation first.

The Art History, is that about the Art or about the History? ! UB has a Music Center,.... I think might be all those categories near by. ....The librarian has many name of it, one of that is the Archivist, one of them is the catalog librarian, very boring, codes after codes. No one really asking me details, there is another librarian called the Special lilbrarian for the special collection.

You can get the Ph.D in the Art History, with another Master degree in the Librarian Science? I think you consider that road as they England just so willing to spend the money on you. We Chinese has no money. 

That regime goes by One after another One. Never steady. So you could stay in a little while after the Games.

And you feel more settle if you begin your those Lalla Face card on the Corperate Worlds experience in the real life built up career resume. You always been cared about that, or you always doing things on that nature included, you can just ask the England Royal to compensate some of that lost years, so you raise their kids up. For some reasons, your heart will feel more at ease.

In the romance idea.

He has hope

You will have hope again. You use Hailey that cases. Adam & Hailey, how they end up in the jail for the money reason on their missionary. You don't want that. You wish to get that off before things turn anything you feeling unsettle all your life about it since whenever...."Side by Side", by Keanu Reeves.

The system things. You ask the court if you need to get more Master degree, if the England them paying for it, whichever advance situation, you could have delicate more of your Major you select, what? Art History. You can see if you can Intern the real Museum, for the British Flag reason. You stay close to that nature, and feed every those words to the kids and the guy +2+1.

An Art curator cannot possiblely go to jail by reading anything exactly followed that history, on the wall, on the book, on the description I WRITE IT!

I cannot possibly be anywhere other than the ART museum, called the Chinese Palace Museum, they shipped it.

I highly doubt ANY girls wants to do the right things other than their 4 bubble tea, on the table in that afternoon very expensive pounds life....having your own jobs, to the schedule, to social, with little to get by.

There is no niche in that. Not really. I didn't tell my friends those 4+1 or add +++ on opening a restaurant. I thought I say, ET grant everyone a happy life, meaning if you want to drink your bubble tea to content of your faces in every Saturday afternoon, you may proceed.

Without a guy.

So I show you all the Tiny House since this week/ Last week after I comment that, haven't I? 

I say the human world court will also agree with me, if that is your happy life, you all having that basic human right at all, not the Cooking life, and you can tear apart those plastic wraps 7-11 like Hailey those human without those family obligation to.....everything so send to jail on the money, but hey, its a short stay but happy life without anything to cook, to wash, to detegent, to even bother learning what is eco, or chlorine, or baking soda....anything its a fast speed.

I say that, didn't I?

Its best you drop the Kitchen like your heart desire - Its Rudimentary Subjects in the System. Those Kitchen means one thing.....never about you type of human be in it.

Zen Priest has a spiritual rule in that monkhood, at least I say that before. It has to be the highest Spirituality human be in it. 

In the Modern World, some worlds, meaning the guys knew the situation of a women's hands very hygienic, becasue of that, there are the World EVERY fast food high tech involved to deliver a quick all FDA food label things, no matter what it reads to you. 

I don't know if those guys mean a thing in this world, whom create all those things targeting the modern women cannot keep a job, cannot FDA their hands, and cannot be with a guy, so there is a Tiny House.

That assess situation should be a real thing. But technically if you fallen off the money statue,, meaning those were never real from the very beginning, yeah, you will be like my other friends they were living on cheap things including the House Tiny 4.0. Tiny Houses.

Rumor ...I heard

uh....Roach tells me, I say you don't exist in anywhere in North America, whichever I am from. Mice are.

The girl says, I think its she cooked it. I thought might be she design it to participate it.

The same girl say, it might be someone near her, also have to cook it. I say you mean Square, that Gluten Free human 2018 to her uncle? I think the drama landed in 2018, she started way earlier, before I got back +1 years, that will be 7 years still breathing there. 

Why don't you say the Tiffany Breakfast never stop?!
How funny, that would be a Cinderella cooking too or moping the floor with the America Home Shopping Networks?
You mean what was the tale of the last dynasty ended in 1910? Begins in 1911 We were?

That kid's age on the Correct Title were 3 years.