
Laura’s last name is Berry

Lalla has a knife, she is going to stab Eben

Kelly’s last name is Thomas



I go to sleep, cannot think.

Babaji: Go

So painful, my back spine base. Japanese pain killer patches? Almost fainted 好痛喔!! 我的背脊下面再底端的~~拉巄趴斯? 幾乎昏過去了

Whom is this Japanese back-up guys? There is a Japanese guy willing to be the back-up guys seat on?

誰是這日本候補的男生? 有日本男孩子想做候補的位置?

This has nothing like yesterday what I said about....you all girls having a long process thinking inside your mind, what will be your last resourced, like a back-up guy? That is inside your brain, or you are so sure, you are very near your target?

Shut up! Birds.

Showering......something about Japanese Tampura? 日本的那種炸物? 叫做 Tempura.

This has nothing to do with you like a Japanese guy? 這跟你們是不是喜歡某種日本男生有關吧 ?

This is not about Japanese guy are the back-up guys, and the gays between the trans-gender are different, and I cannot stop coughing you mean I vomiting? One of those I imagine things in my stomach?


是不是那個 COVID 19 邊境開封日本現在可以去了? is that COVID 19 the border all opens, you can go to Japan now?

Like the Youtuber does? 像他們法國的意思

那去呀 ! 我不能到處亂跑~我人生很討厭飛機的 Then go, I cannot randomly run around~ I hate airplane.

就是你們要去旅行吃東西的意思? Meaning you have to go travel (Voyage) to eat food?

我沒有說你們不能吃呀 ! I didn't say you cannot go and eat food?!

我說 NASA 的 preliminary report 跟皇后有三個月的審核 I only say that NASA has the preliminary report and the England Queen has 3 months on evalution.

是不是減重問題,我暫時不減重? Is there a Weight losing problem, I temporariliy cannot lose the weight?

這很多事情長的很奇怪 There are some very strange things happening....

而且我是知道的那一個人 and I am the person that knowing it all this.

這我減重跟你們有什麼關係? If I losing weight, what is that to do with you? 

這針法國有什麼關係? What is that to do with the France? French !!? 

The guy and the girls internal hormone, are different. For a girl, they are known as the estrogen. There is something about this soy products related on that, so when I reading that, and becasue I was on juicing, that is sometimes before 2014....I just all together with that pasta to get rid of. The soy products and the pasta. But I taken that Feel Rite the Vegan cookies, the double chocolate version.

你們是不是有什麼事情關於男孩子做了什麼? 你們找建華~他們很多男孩子知道男孩子長什麼樣子! 我其實只是講講~我從來沒有很清楚男孩子幹嘛 了! Is you girls have something you wish to say about the guys? You can talk to Wallace~ They have a lot of the guys knowing what the guys are. I actually....never know what the guys are. I only just saying as if I know them.

我總覺得很多事情長的很奇怪 = I feeling...there are a lot of things looking very strange to me.

uh....no. The yellow things will be the only thing I like.


That is not Fried Chicken, spicy?!


Yeah I used to watch him, they are all korean. Korean becoming very very aggressive on the entertainment.


I will tell you I have no ideas....


What do I think....the world statistic?


... most people probably trying to say that one King Crab its a lot of food. Not really....you suppose to have some kinds of the carbohydrate, you feeling like you didn't eat anything later the day.

You knoiw Korea and Japan has a lot of this plastic face things. For real.

Just the face. The eyes, the nose, the eye brow. They are. If you getting married to any of them, let's say having a children, that will be a little bit you know what you find out.....

Wa hahhaha......you mean the President they getting those too.

 You will vomit if you eat too much that stuffs, including the lobster.

No, I don't eat the below this video things, not any of them. No.


I think that King of King crabs stories will go on every year new orientation table, not just the evolutionary biology textbook. CIA its one of they are not military. I never think of them. I imagine I touch the line, I got jailed, one of those tale never end.

A lot of people forgotton those procedure.

Just happened, if you don't operate that Big Crab, you normally will be less prone to know how to opening all that.

When nick tried to be vegetarian 1998, he made the promise to God I guess....he didn't know there is the mock meat, you can eat beside the salad.

Salad have many different combination, but I don't eat those industry lettuce. Those perfectly looking lettuce. 

There are a lot of things I don't eat them. For my mother its too cold, or she say there are bacteria in it too, she is not feeling well.

Nick doesn't buy that kinds of the lettuce netiher, he getting more of those container green leafy they sell in Canada.

I usually cooked the Chinese vegetable, cooking in the water. I just feeling to do those boiling stuffs myself, not so raw myself, if you saying that. My raw stuffs would be cucomber, or carrots shredded with avocado. These 3 things are all skin peeled off. They are enclosed types of vegetables. 

Let's say if I getting more money, I can buy more these colorful purple cabbage in the US? no....I don't eat those kinds of any sorts of those kinds. Shallot I will buy yeah. That is the small purple onion. It doesn't have a lot of meaning to most cullinary, it looks like a side.

But I do know what they are.  

My mother and nick like the celery. No I don't eat celery. 

I see what Adam Hailey says.....oh ! So Elsa color on Michelle Obama, it means the school lunch program she used to have?

That is a Portrait painting. Tesla has a portrait too, but he is thinner.

You know, some human merits its 3 girls all around him. I used to hear the black race girls gaining a lot of weights too. I have seen that too myself, not just Mexican too.

Now, I remember what they do now in White House. The state of....kind of like the state of dinner, one of those saying?

I didn't feel very good when I gaining some weight up, including the photo. So when I ...before getting to the coughing parts, I told you its very bad, so I stop...but I feel much better coming it down. You mean it was just 3 kg from 66 to 63 roughly saying that. I think my book say up to 67.

But if your entire body shape to that clothing were not like my waist lines, I don't think that is the only 3 kg I mean I feeling much better off....




In Asia, everything is different. 

You are thinking going West, you just meant you have no more competition set in One lifetime?

Why I even bothered to repeat myself about hundred time the same things over and over again.

When you were 20 years old, anyone say you annoying to them?

So now, you seeing anyone 20 years younger than you are, by next 2 years?! You mean you hate every Asian girls whom have a better car than you, and the dress code?

That is how you are becoming... I never ask you to foster the youth women, to input their IQ tiny bit, to sound like they evolve better, and find your happy guys or girls together.  I didn't do the outfit to wish them ill???

There is a reason to do the outfit, so the entire mass people are leading that trend, you doing that for wishing them well.

If you imagine ASMR, or Youtuber, or Eben's those instructor jobs.....Your face cannot be that judgemental, you studying the VS on their interview process? They telling you, these girls have to have certain looks?

When they walking it out? It won't matter if they are girls or guys. They only need that few seconds to look right, talk right, present right. People seeing them cannot be they are judgemental or they are judgemental?

You want me to put back your own photo stream on Pinterest?

When the other girls will show up, each of you make a photo of yourself, side by side on my Pinterest, no one else profile them connected, and you all compared your Sailor Moon faces and height on photo?

If Mike is a Cat, and a girl....Chinese spy.

I think you have a problem opening up your mouth to talk straight in sentence, how do you do in your job interviews?

How do you talk to a guy?

How do you talk to a girl?

How do you talk to the parents?

How do you talk to the kids?

You practically hate every human standing in front of you. That is strange. that ought to be my jobs. I have a title?!

You make them hating you the first moment you opening up your mouth. 

Your 4 limbs standing on your foots jobs, like a waitor? I thought they hired those Torus human taller....bar tender.

What would that be...Annca and Astor are the salesman, no not sales man.

The bench jobs. What jobs are those.....the receptionalists. That is Annca's jobs. Whatever, the receptionalist jobs, you opening up your mouth to get a client. You never seen human, how you first impression to sit in front of them. They say you are judgemental, or they seeing you the first sight, they are judgemental?

If Eben telling me he likes another guys, something like that? I will tell him to go and find that guy to spend on his money.

I keep my own money.

Some gays might be all that in love games, but some gays are not. They are emotional got hurt, but they grab a lot more in the money. They exist. 

I rather Eben's true love to go killing him, Eben. Because some people make their money hard, if Eben meant that is his choice and true love. I wait....I help him, but don't touch my money. I have nothing right now, as you can see. There is nothing to get jealous. I never get jealous if you say you have money or zero money really on the back end.

Do you know what the China some human do? There is a wife and a kid, and guess whom overseas, to whom got jailed in the end?

You know how many times I hear that on the news? Don't bother me.

You didn't imagine how you end up them all on the line. A judge will be at that day explaining to you how your future will be. That is your one life ended there.

Because you thought the legal process meant you go to jail 3 months? You should plot. They ever done this they know that as the America world.

Simon or Eben or Keanu Reeves....they are not the very good guys, that doesn't mean they are not human born with the flesh and born. They might be that what trans-gender things even.

Meaning in the real industrial setting, between the girls and the guys attention they cut themselves or someone came in to cut them in thousand pieces, one day they make a decision and they stick to that decision.

That may not be the court ruling....but one day I will be the court.

To that every human heart, there is a story of that every nature you don't see. Be kinds to some human, no matter they mean to you or not. You don't need to proven, they got the money, so they end in hell unless they do something bad. But while just being a decent human, certain law measurement should be in placed, no matter what that is.

That is what being a Judge supposes to be. 

Your America you proud of that freedom, will give certain things all under that laws they say they safeguard the human interests. Why don't you try to make America a better place to live in, that will include all worlds, all walks of life, all situation that happening between Love even.....

That eternal love games....let them be whom they are?

You want me to say that again?! There is a legal process.

... No, you didn't understand a word I say.

Let me ask you on a table with a file open, in front of a police not a judge, you don't need to get to a judge on just some questionair filling up. You are as a MD groups, if a police asking you about the right and wrong things in life, you will say with the confident, there ought not meant one human death on the records, if it ends on wiki Anna Librarian Science degree human written it, their undergraduate study are in English.  

Simon Cowell


Or you go to Simon Wiki on the top, there are view history. On the left of "Search Wikipedia".

When ET meant it well, certain things, not just the government proven.....its you all ilegal entry if were....

What really meant it in the end, it is the harsh world peace punishment. Just how the ET says it or meant, you always taken, its a humor side. Just look at them, one big laugh of life if you live up hundred years,.....its every drama ends the same things.

Its between a man and a women.

The Bibles says? You want to repeat that yourself, it started with a bone. Not a hair....

You probably didn't hear what I say this morning about that legal process....

You thought Anna meant they ignore the legal process or else you will all already be inside the jails. I thought I explain to you, there are certain human better get things right in their field, in that accountable money, there is a reason they get a salary.

Its they gone to far long "thoughtful" for someone.

You called them a doctor or a lawyer. By that means, you all failed, without traveling to my side, solve it, or jailing at the border when you trying that CNN. 

You didn't understand your jobs, so all those details are written, not just your what Vola Health reports for being display on those sites how it is. How I Anna in the future what to make the money, its entirely my terms to call for. It may not be the England story tale, everyone can see that. 

But there is a broadcasting system power.

Sometimes you just wish someone getting a notice on Jobs, you will all be inside the jail, when those happen I guess. Even my investors none of them wish to see any of you exist in any space and time.

Ever thought of that?

You probably never think, how soon that day ends....on a job, where these movies turn real. If the killing started 20 years ago, none of this would have happened, to any degree to say getting close.....to one day you proven 400 millions dollars says.

Capish? Whatever that means to you. 

This world some human will only listen to money, you will see how that day becomes only I exist.

In your UB that small tiny groups, you compete with what guys really? Next by you? And?

You didn't come out a story. I never hear anything from you girls.

You want to vola in front of that camera, you need to come out an explaination you open your mouth and show up, why you have a story, or you need a story, tell me 5 mins what you up to. 

APO has a very bad attitude Mike on Top, President with all those overfat APO Chapter regional to National.

One day how I slaughter to the human quota up to how blood becoming the river, he will know what that really means in the end. Over fat people only know....how to Vola proven it quota statues. 

The beaucracy worlds means you get in between the people whom have only a mouthful jobs til they starting to push each other, for that every mouthful jobs.

How you get in between their interests, they will be super mouthful jobs in front or behind.

Poor cars on debts or trying to smile on quota customer base.

You didn't ask me the end results of that.....every world if you gather more than 3 people in your groups openiing up your one mouth family telephone plans.

What will be the end of all that....down the road.

There is nothing exists as a groups.

To that policy, its in China.

I used to do this URL code...on Simon and tea....its in Red Cliff.



Is people get old their hair becoming thin, or it means the hair becoming loosen? Can they dye the hair color black?


The TV news always putting the guys in front ....my peripheral how this Simon or Dr. Steven ends up in the ocean swimming....or Wing or Jonathon....kicking....

I haven't seen a girl yet.

Dialing......my inner vision. No nothing. I normally don't voluntary search for. Now I am. 

This is strange....

Crabs again. These are the normal crabs now.


No, I don't dare to eat that orange stuffs. You can try on the duck eggs in Chinese, you scoop the middle, and put in the congee. Good for the sickness. You normally eat the whole things, that is very very salty, its salty duck eggs. 

In Chinese how you describe your grade if = zero, its Duck eggs means.

Eternal Love

Well, that kinds of games, if you are serious, you imagine the eternal Life....you may not start this one life? What you gonna do if this one life doesn't count? If there is a TV, there is an ET, or Idol Gods, or Sky Heaven God, Earth God. Birds Giant God.....

You want to ask them when the human spirits die in old age, they ever returning forever young again in the spirits form. At least getting the one questions right? 

How it ends up on the TV, forever adore, only when.......

I tell you myself, I am always end up a guy position in that movies.....there is certain things makes me puke, just thought about it.

Whatever put in front of me. Almost identical.....imagine you vomit 3 times none stop.

+ ....3 

Because the spirituality doesn't count.

In this world, right now we are getting an annoucement board = TV saying. None of us know, if that is sternly says, implied jokingly say, or....for what reason says. But for a man and a women to say union, the girls better do a lot of works, like I used to say, from list 1 to 1 zillions.

But most time, girls are not like that. Sometimes a marriage doesn't need to build on the feelings. Not really.

That however one day, this one Earth sphere are not supportive to marriage, becasue most girls required eating. Somethings are happening in certain bracket very very very very badly.

If I Anna keep saying certain things, and I tell you its very very bad. You should find out not to do with that Simon whatever he does in life. Your life.

I seen it.

I don't care about the appearance, not I was not learning that, it was all the TV format meant God judge you not. But if the criminal justice department to show up crime reports and saying certain things, right. That is the reality, you stick to those laws.

The appearance, and the body shape, to how long you keep all that, its a mortality issues on this one planet Earth. Its not even being the Eternal Life yet. I don't think so.

Not even in 1000 years, you will ever break food free. 

When one day you are living in a world, where the appearance has no more issues= Aging process, well.....The way how Kail or Zawanna show me, there is a gravy sauce on the meat, I say we eat on the table?

Zawanna shows me in front of him.  Meaning in their worlds they eat. they even reading the books, having a what? A book clubs? The girl best friends on eye glasses, aren't they high tech? Maybe he told me garbage things 1 to 1000, but I am looking at it. 

There is food there.

Its very bad whatever happened. Its happening, and its still in working situation.

My every day jobs, you don't know what that really is. 

Jailing is not supposed to be ....right human mind. But 商鞅 and 妲己 to end up in jailed, its exactly how they meant it, they try not to read it.

or Why, including that entire company all around, near by.

Wait til together and wedding all photo, makes a great big blessing, that history then can becoming the Eternal Truth. No one ever curious? That is perfect! 


well saying Elf....

to say goblin near by that great perfect World stories Lords of Ring. 精= rice + a snake color blue like Elsa.

And that Sutra = 經

like Periods called MC = 月經

same sounding methods.

Calling a sutra on snake, its on the China Welcome Towel to my granny. Its a White snake.

By whom? A monk! 法海和尚

你們知道那個精跟經是同音,這個白蛇傳是鎮壓在一個塔上,精分開叫做 米 跟青 ,青蛇

顏色在 Adam & Hailey that video "What is Eternal", 在那首歌裡面呀 ! 跟 Elsa 顏色一樣!



This kinds of the story endings, only some kind of the sentient beings will know that.


🍠 UB Honor Program to ends up in Harry Potter stories, were that, you recognize the Elicott structure or we all knowing that there is a Elicott in NSYNC, and my Amherst Manor apartment back end? 🍠

.... During your orientation 20 years ago, you didn't know any human around you in that Honor Program? Zac?! 

That Harry Potter if I re-write, that will be pointing at Zac as the center, what that stories all around be. So there is a Jonathon.

And you all 6+1 MD brain on Harry Potter were on the money part Simon or jailing part whenever he saying goodbye?

💖🥗 You should do your rudimentary subjects, really. Anything if your government needs your appearance under those terms & Condition why you need a new brand face on your rudimentary subjects....💖🥗

Some human makes a miracle when they want to. Mine are the slowest label, moon, sun, cycle after cycle, I dragging a liter jar, those are 5 litter or 5 gallons? 1 gallon might be......per round trips of all this 3 or 4 water gallon jars, I dragging home. You didn't ask me how I drink that jar? I bend my kneel on the ground.

You never ask me how I assemble those Water Big Berkey emergency bucket?! 

I am the chemists, there are 2 filter, 2 black stuffs. They are stainless steel made, but....that doesn't mean you know what you are doing or not, that is a pure water inside my room, only I touch.

These kinds of the cosmetic, you always need your parents to opening up their mouth for you.....

What you called the specialists....

There are. May not those Simon Cowell Make-up artists saying. 

You go to those destine company to find them. whatever you have in mind you seeing you like. Like I tell them what I am, where I am, and "What I really need."

Any university students can access a data base called "Standard Poor 500"

 ...Ocean business its the Tax exampt under "Church."

They didn't have a company profile I guess, that was before I got initiated. Normally you imagine....that is a business. Its a cult, a church file under the lawful name.

But she is jailed anyway.




Yeah, it can work on my skin too. They design for all the skin care products. There is a word....well, not in their saying.

Enhance. An enhancer.

uh....you have to know, the general public skin cares are very bad, from the internal hermonone structure or your eating choice. Meaning those big company know that. What they put in the skin products probably has some to eliminate pole germs, bacteria, what do they called those?

The bacteria name, one of those.

For my skin, I just don't have time right now. So many things I can do, when I get time? I can use the cosmeitc, you mean like the moisture right? Those big company, they have a development center. Whatever their name might be. 

Like Sea crests are from Israel. In Taiwan so many of them now. They keep opening. Its from Israel.

北歐的監獄其實是象牙木書桌 North Europe facility jail are ivory desk wood

不是我說美國公設沒錢!!Its the American public facility has no money.

材料系會知道那種事情  The Material Science human will know those things.  

對~~ Yay !!


Look at that.


Oh ~ I just took time saying to those kids Simon’s American citizen visa like Justin Bieber …they both married the American girl. Too cold England and Canada.

5 years ….lasting Green cards.

Hank has to live in Taiwan now…


西門是英國人,他想殺掉的是 Paula, p= pee 尿尿

會不會自己拼音後面?矮小的第一個美國女子,意思就是結婚 Visa, 美國公民那一件事情
所以在OU 語言裡面,你們聽音抄下來那本,有位置,陳時中不高,但是那個女的可能沒有算矮他的講法像 Paula.
但是西門跟Paula 的那首歌曲叫做 A Monent like this 
兩個人唱,他西門最近上電視的 Kelly Clark 很肥,另外一個是他解雇的 Leona Lewis.
Lewis 是一個男孩子他旁邊英國達人秀的評審,是美國公民那張妲己的紙!

Internal you cannot scream, external you try to smile sanely, hard core raw Fat APO Mike cats nickname. Not banana deep throat’s in Keegan’s mouth to say the sisterhood of the traveling pants. You see…

Hard head, skeleton bone. Olaf says, he doesn’t have a skull, funny.

When you looking at the Crystal Skull how to AI or by magic manipulating a Past, meaning the Power of love in Power of water nature, in Metal, in fire, in Wood, in Earth, you want to raise you hand pretend Apple Watch?

It’s the white robes flowing with a shoes you bang your head skull too tall, or you trip over the car or the door  - these inanimate object as your solely ownership it’s waiting for you all - proven it !

And these secrets moments of truth …

5 years pass that Taiwan Youtuber bubble tea singer “lower dripping sister” she has a brother with Perrie in the car in their first song ….5 years, not just 6 years I land here unknown new worlds after 15 years I lived in America.

You imagine TV it’s itself written Chinese I sing on not write on. I started 2018-2020, while they were so much younger and fresher look. 5 years ago, you see….time pass. 1 2 3 4 5.

They didn’t know I had a past 2014, and certainly not knowing I had a present 2018-2020, to today 2021-2022. You never make anything in America capitalism to say going back home? 

2014 you all UB don’t remember how it happened the playlist I remind you on ET existence. To when now at least Mormom did a lawful vocabulary seems to close what should be a righteous missionary landing on poor country as you saying …fashion !

You all 6+1 MD will imagine a lot of thing when that curtain draws. Where was I 2014 to til 10 years Birds says, Snakes says golden Hunger games anniversary ? Me Honorable Superior it’s a name for 10 years or 30 years long gone, you will still remember how times pass so fast.

In retrospect your perfect life, you didn’t remember how you suffered.

That breathing in breathing out must be hurtful to that chest, you know how Purna story comes from with Buddha it’s him beating his chest. Things you think inside, it’s every degree burnt I say. Every second in life that payment to the Eternal Lords will be my forever Physical merits how I will Always be.

Your religion context to the real world tempament nature to this ephemeral cycle of life it’s a painful sympathy, don’t you agree?  That while you don’t know the traps, how that 6+1 becomes so well laughable iconic….for the rest of your life indicator number to someone whom will forever exist.


How this leverage time called the same age bracket for an amusement …

What they called the angelic writing to that dreamy symbol psychi assassin Inelia Benz book so well saying Taoist they do nothing but magic !

Not the feather writing, it’s a pen you use on paper you saying the Holy Ghost guiding your IQ problem on 1+1 sentimental me reading Atlantis sunken land before PCAT, you probably didn’t know what Cooke Hall received my last struggle of that waiting list…what have I become.

That’s more than 10 years ago, 20 years ago, the karmic wheel to today we meeting each other on the web, gazing at your own electric photograph family kids, you still remember you wish you are parts of your parents, never ending tale that the life gets ahead, it’s you plan your life on.

So many try, so many failed and that worsen human nature as if I never enlighten you in jails, will be MD and Laws.




Babaji: Go

Remember me...299second. Pieces and bites from Keanu Reeves


Its best you don't struggle....or else, you remember how this line swing down....someone will end somewhere swimmiing entirely all by yourself Simon.

That time. With Dr. Steven, its best pals on age old talks. 

What you were, how you are, where you will be the future. Kicking, knocking, strangle-ling while you are 50 years old, 60 years old, to when you were imagined you were 20 years old on the camera.....those tales on high tech, its very very real. 

You see how you all becoming!

People meant they vow forever they WILL NEVER learn. I got that long ago.  You will say it exactly no harsh feeling, exactly every day passing, the day how I rules, remember me. I am not American, by force, you stimulate 2 or 3 months.

Its an eternal games.  The boys imagine without the daddy pamping shoulder.

There is a reason why the guys are junks.....and I got that every piece of bites, all the time. And that learning curve methods, I know it too. Never grow up, its your best means to say surrender.....white flags. Understand? Someone evolution....naturally by Fitness survival those long gone games....Eon Kalpa pass....you are still the same you, that is you carve your heart and soul, vowing forever the only Truth, got it? 

The forever truth.

Your parents are always the one whom have to do a lot of this things to keep a house, your room and board, with your junks in it......

You are not trying to help. You trying to lament. 

You suppose to help your parents housing, you need your parents. Learn from them, then when the times come, moving out, so they can go to their happy worlds whatever they do, and when I get a house, I am prepare to did whatever I learn from them?

In my case, its my mother did all that, or nick.

You meant it you just use them, without teaching them a thing. The best scenario, I am always in the country she fly away? I watching the house baby sitting 2 houses?

You imagine yourself? 

Buffalo Erie Public library in my MLS year, there are a lot of closing down the branch. But I visit several in the local, at least I know that, where they are. But nick used to drive a lot me to the Canada library for me to sit there waiting him. I probably know more Canada library, because he drives.

Well, I think if you shape your budgets on the clothing methods. Except those jailing human future....its per piece I buy. 

I am trying to sound, I am not in the United States meaning I don't know how to use per town, whichever world map, on their business beauru.....sorry, what is this...the City Console at.

Why I even give you Ukraine contact information.....

Its called the Ukraine embassy console. You do a lot of this business bureau human at, or the California Clerk offices, that is not supposed to be doing...then how does NASA built on land?

I bossing them? I go to the town clerk office center.

"Hi !!!~~~ I am new to the town, I talking to the hotel front desk. I find you on the internet, I register the public library card on the El Toro Road, right across the Home Depot, we are renovating the houses, the swimming pool too deep.... "

Amherst Police station, in case you used to drive in UB

That is called Audubon road.....on your map going on the UB around.....not spinning outside.

Audubon Amherst its at....the police station next by. 

Where is here? sorry....its the Amherst Public library. 




Here, Amherst Chamber of Commence, your M & T Bank right below in the middle.


How marvelous, that is one bank didn't disappear yet.


I cannot build on UB swamp land, so I built in highway 7 Woodbridge, where nick and used to live at? Do you want to listen that to yourself?

I live in the United States, I go to Canada to get a building permit?!! 

Their land are bigger, their forest are more eco?

You don't know how it sounds like to you. 

Do you know that you hate UB Academia Library, so that Amherst Public library, next to the Police Station its not a threat? I used to work on the oral History Library Project in Vartan human at Good morning sunshine, called Vanghan Public Library


Why would anyone like me to lie to you, I used to work not in the National Archive, it was here? I forsake the US Washington D.C, too expensive, too long commute, in case you don't know your assign housing was all my money going that summer.  Your North East.....I calling every single day on that craglist. 

I told my entire UB facebook, I got in the Intern National Archive. And a bad feeling start to spin over me. I quit......later. 

This is where I end up?




你們知道我電視講泰國的大水,是水蛇出現,咬人叫做蟒蛇....兩百隻的蛇 !

... ... 


那是日文發音吧 ?

嗨~~日本接線! 我的臉書是不是壞掉了 ?? My facebook broken right?

HALLO???? ANYBODY THERE? 他們還在選舉呀 !!!!

 (接線 connecting wire......)

叩叩  knock knock 電腦的硬體 ~存在呀 !



他們是不是就是做警察魁儡那種選舉出來~哪一個比較容易死掉 16 年?

台北市長的下一步呀 ? 電視講的都是台語~我說台上人, 可以看字! 在下面,類似情海無上師的那種? 16 年 ....什麼時候選舉?!  11/16? 在三個禮拜 !!


🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌟🍕 🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌟🍕 🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌟🍕

 🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌟🍕 🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌟🍕 🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌟🍕

Big enough Photo, blinds? Imagine......Lunch

Babaji: Go

You so publicly claim you do nothing wrong.....so that UB annoying you, their existence? It must be not just limited to Lockwood library....for some reason, anyone becoming a tiny shelf name, you mean the PhD thesis, those are on the third floor Capen?

oh ~it must be Lee human in the basement UB library with me Anna.

You mean both of us so in care, 1+1 will always equal 2, that one thing will never get it wrong?


How do you all doing on that Lotto math skills, really?  Why me and Lee hired or get fired, will never be that one reason we don't know for sure 1+1 will always = 2.

Called the anti-gravity technology, really. Its called the Zero ground, you care?

I think you all very fond of making your own clothese, when you feeling it....the fabric. Joanna, art and craft store, we have that in Amherst, not too far from the Amherst Police station next by the library.

That is a public library, *****you hate***** all that UB library.  They will be less harsh on you, I guess.

Anything academia, you just hate them 1 to 1 millions....seriously. How to outlaws, will require a brain, I assure you. 

The criminal mortality, like they forgotton the key, or gasoline refilled, to when they themselves stuck at the home door...the police shows up helping them or triple A, or CAA (Canada)

You wonder where you meant your IQ problems, Anna always telling you.....starting day 1. Its your schooling in vain on wasting drugs or human efforts on alcohol - Organic Chemistry.

How come you hate this University State liscense so much badly? 

Public servant or library its not a thing to you, but as if that UB academia library just your worse nightmare, tell me, how does that get to become like that, uhm?  ******* Its badly affecting you to that one UB academia library. ******** I must did a marvelous job telling you how the interface switch so swiftly without the frameworks telling you. You just becoming intuitive. Without no one telling you. 

Remember the Crystal Season 2 or 3 opening on that Sailor Moon. There is one frameworks never seen...... its all the back end works. 

The real roses are red and thorn!