
I don't know if they really know or dont know. But assuming that is a real Prince Harry situation. If I were to be Maghan position....well, I input my real life. I land at Oprah town, that is the newapaper says, everyone knows. That is where they Prince Harry and Meghan Lives, Oraph she is the land owners around there.

I Anna would go to the California Small Business Registry Clerk Offices to register my business name again, Era Glow. I told them, it was registered in 2014. I have that as the Art Business, but I have a Genetic Invention book in the Library Congress I file in 2013. Here is the slips with the number on it. 

Then in that PC monitor operation, not the clerks officers. I might go back to tell them, when I seeing everything in that office, "Hi, me again. I just completely the Business Name registration, I cannot get that name register. it was duplicated on myself I am pretty sure, can you help me?"

And in that conversation going on until I get my business name done, I told them I just moved to the Town, I have my checking and saving open, and I have inquire a few degree of the business account assorting question asked. I been to the bank like 100 times, driving back and forth. Here is my current resident address, can I ask you something about the small business local farmer's producing area, where I should be, if I want to visiting the local farmers market, or more personal people that knew about the small business practices in the small farmers sectors.  

I am used to be SMTV journalist, I doing their transcription proof reading. My background is Chemistry B.A from Buffalo, 5 Lake SUNY System. 

In that vicinity, like how you land in California?

California is completely different worlds than Buffalo, New York. On the street you can see people talking different, dressing different, and friend associate different. There are Mother's market, there are New Feeling every this Town offers opportunity.

I don't think they starve both them on the road, to say starting your first day.

I had the time strain and the bad Tina Hank beating each other situation with new born kids and a dog. 

With the people that has the money, and the official letter and power, you can technically just occupying that entire city....and why that city again? I never heard what that city its about.

Oprah? The Fat lady?

uh.... On Karen's Beauty & the Beast, or the Ocean whom Clooney cried on far away remote TV if I standing on the doorway? Those small tiny frames on that every household door entrance door. I can see....The Benedict on the show in the end. 

I don't know Oprah, I know Dr. Steven Hairfield, he knows whom that Coast to Coast Radio....well, if Simon put his 2 cents, I tell Simon first, before I do anything really stupid. Simon knew Howard Stern. That is a Satellite...Radio.

You know what I used to tell those Oneness Taoists religion next by SMCH, because on the Flower Thousand Bones, technically, I think its the Police Won. Most Taiwan Police might be that more mild precept including eggs or milk, that would be Oneness Taoists...so when I just indoor talking to that only Taiwan human knew the past. Ma'am Ching Hai and that Oneness Taoist groups...they are big.  In Taiwan, I told them to move to California, last year....To sit in their community College, where those Coast to coastline guards at. 

Its....a similar to that Snowden Unit, him or his grandpa....the Coastline guards.

How funny, how I think the worlds evolve, from American Eastern Coastline military, they never gonna land at the West American coastline....wa hahahahhahaha.....

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