
Carbon foot print, you mean the carbon neutral on toilet paper, the tissue papers from the logging business, it would be probably your father-in-law they, his...or he brought 2 whom, their current you, his chairty or foundation over the Amazon Forest.

Logging business in the past are using the river to transport. Its easy. Logging business are the wood you made a piece of furniture. By what kinds of the tree. Their organization will have all the terminology you all need to....carbon dating what dinosaur on if they existing in the weather that has what oxygen if not nitrogen to breath on it. Methane. Sulfuic smell from the volcano.

Atmosphere....like the study the Earth Weather or atmosphere....there is a professional word that those NASA does the hire. Meterology? 


The weather on the current scientists arguments will only stay on the legal term - its all the human made behavior. So we are being punished by our own human speicie, that is only their argument. Its the solely the human activities like the car, the eating cow, to make...all the environment pollutant that rise the Earth surface temperature by how many degree. 

If you want to brilliant about how those arguments don't seem right to you...how to take out the human error factors, the human factors, it will never have a problem anymore on the "Human activities" those refering phrase keywords one to one zillion.

Just ask the legal adviser. 

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