
๐Ÿซ๐Ÿซ๐Ÿซ๐Ÿซ๐Ÿซ๐Ÿซ๐Ÿซ How many times can you write up those Organic Farming subjects? ๐Ÿซ๐Ÿซ๐Ÿซ๐Ÿซ๐Ÿซ๐Ÿซ๐Ÿซ

I myself are the artist creator including calligraphy, Chinese calligraphy or English. I am documenting the birds activities on my roof, so I keep a photo editing notebook with the calligraphy and the drawing.

To my digital arts, I create an app and a local farmer's market exhibit, to sell some quote teaching imprinted on my arts. Its just one time trying out, you imagine every household has a trailer to go behind the car, and the driver's skill as it assure you, it will ever make it out of the driveway. My partner was the TTC professional driver, so all those works, including finding a sun burn umbrella were from his garage. That is how we manage to pay one time fee of the farmer's market to end there once with his grandkids. 2

I have visit the farmer's market so many times to watching their each venue of the business making money schemes. Its Muskoka farmer's market in Orillila. Its very far North of itself existing the river, cabins, vacational home existing place. We were running away from his son and daughter-in-law on debts and collectors. Their father helping them, I don't.

For that saving the money to finding every exit ways to earn the money, I have one of those I create the Organic Chemistry niches website as early as 2007, that I make the Photoshop CS3 in drawing circle and color, to create this Kalaxy App later on. Apple or Ipod was not known to me, but I dwell on it for some time with the app developer. I create one for Art, one for Organic Chemistry. How you believing it, I knew it the vegan vendor venue options to selling food, or you meant the organic terms in every general terminology how me and Lee use to be CADS tutor. He is a professor now and I am a farmer now.

๐Ÿซ๐Ÿซ๐Ÿซ๐Ÿซ๐Ÿซ๐Ÿซ๐Ÿซ  The sustainability of the soil after the crop rotating in farming like winter or summer, often in the big scale of the production has a way to manage that. At least that is what I heard. Tell you a little bit about myself, I am the chemistry major in undergraduate, and a librarian science and informatic in graduate school. Meaning I had one Master degree, and Lee has a Ph.D. 

Between that Seasons of the sun giving the crops of that lunar calendar like the Chinese says, there are rain and shine, to us, its the 5 Lakes Snow in Buffalo where me and Lee met. Later, he moves south, I moved Up Furthr North. To that one effect how we ever talk about in life, was never rain and snow, shine and frost. But in the agriculture sense of the organic crops, that let us both know, its part of the life formula that has one definition in the textbook. Anything organic has to be consist of C.H.O. The very definition of that saying...however if you crossing the town to where I used to have a Landlord questing that town need on the free soy, never buy in the Home depot to grown plants, they will have telling you all fertilizer containing Nitrogen in it. 

I would tell you, me us Old age human they use dry wood chip, to keep the plant temperature nice looking of those standing plants. Not edible. Its presentable. 

๐Ÿซ๐Ÿซ๐Ÿซ๐Ÿซ๐Ÿซ๐Ÿซ๐Ÿซ Its not me and Lee grown the crops outside our school life, but its my trailer guy whom grown the years in the gardening with his Italian community background, he never knew my background story has more than just carrying a lab protocol procedure of 4 stove management skills. 

Every organic crops you purchase, will be more expensive on saving one of those you keep washing them on the detegent if you might, to never let pesticide or one of those harmful chemical that ensure the looking of the plants will surpass the harsh winter or the bugs invasion.

I usually be very careful when I was in the States, how I purchasing them from. In Taiwan, I lost the vitality why I even care how to do those things called picking up my veggie, when my mother carrying that through. No more Old, no more Lee.

The organic sense of the business interest usually meant, you acquire a big land, and you hope you finding a right methods to plant, meaning those crops are yielding out exactly not rotten on the shelf life when you selling them. In that in between time, you might have a commute problem if you live far out, where the lands are cheaper, or your tax would be heavier...one of those saying.

Those saying would be, becoming the smaller farmer's market often show up vendors, you will be competing just about anything you see....they say they are organic, or you say your grocery carrying a tag on pricing....But we have visiting many those farmer's market, including the side roads whom selling the blue berry. If you know your way in life, how to shop, how to see, how to park your car and asking...you will finding out the real farmer's sense, not just by the farmer's market. 

Its by your mobility how you live in life, see, hear, know, find out. That story its continue on.

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