
Soil jobs, its not a frying jobs. That is a cooking department the basic cuillinary skills, the vocational school.

Soil jobs are the evaluation jobs. Extracting the soil from the ground and taken back to the lab, and run the procedure, you will have an analysis, what did you really do to your soil farming on the Organic Terms, you are really saying it, on your label....to sell. 

Got it?

There are a lot of protocols can works

Meaning a smooth running of that 4 stoves, for a dining of 5 to 9 people. I will tell you, nick for some reasons he will come in and help those times. Maybe he is bored too. Some guys like to participate the cooking, if you move fast, he usually go and frying that stuffs, I make the dough. 

Frying meaning, he has a ...夾子 and he turn that up and down. Probably sometimes they like to touch those things. He is retired. If you running smooth the things supposed to help, the guys will pitch in. I believe that. That is what happened. 

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