
So the chemist jobs would be one of those....those category?! The Soil evaluation, the acidity to the water stream, river, up stream river water.....the accessment reports. Not the organic farming.

That's farmer's jobs.

So whom supposed to be written that organic farming? The 4th category major in Taiwan High School toward the College final examiination admission. You called Cornell Taiwan Pass away president's major were their Alumni.

They are, in not so near UB, but its that Glass...Corning Glass...probably the same direction to the Cornell University. 3 hours. Far away.

So you are the people providing the preservative chemical reagent?

Fertilizer, I think you mean how to make the plants grow much abundances like the potato roots below when you plug off, more potato beneath it in one plants. The preservative, you probably mean the forensic lab. That is NYPD, their jobs. I think CSI New York, one of those. Well, probably they so desperate, it is the chemist job, but in forensic lab will sound more less than the funeral director, one of those jobs.

Dating Mummy

That would be more of the historian's job. Their possession, like remaining walls, or paper works, those are Archivist jobs. We archive it (The librarian jobs), if that is what you are asking. The movie: Mummy (1999)

Overall the video just means, in the different component of that understanding in the chemistry, there are many sub-division of that distributes the chemists in a different variety of the jobs market. 

Pharmaceutical, Analytical ....

These women what they are doing since their Ph.D are solution, or the solute preparation, meaning the stocking room jobs (We used to have Fatima doing that in UB, she got a job in there.)

Jonas and Justin were my Analytical Chemistry classmate. Meaning one session you never heard about the chemistry beside the organic chemistry, its the analytical chemistry. We process aspirin, to purify to get on the weight scale, how accurate we will derive our lab methods to come out the most purest and heaviest isolation. Meaning, you acquire a pure substance called aspirin, and in the highest amount. The yielding, not the water stain compound, the pure aspirin. 

In that say, its one of the video I shown you the weight scale like Ryoya, I told everyone where in that Y Taipei Metro session, if your physical walking up or finding your map, right.....to where the upground, you will acquire all the necessary tools...to whichever duplicate Ryoya. One of those saying. Its just a weight scale

A weight scale, and a weight scale paper. Your goal its to acquire as much as the resource in that aspirin, without the dirt in it. Meaning impurity.

Got it?

Chemistry in the Lab

Require all the stocking chemical reagent, might be dry, or the wet ingredient. Meaning the solution you touch with the gloove, so all those procedure of the lab required an attentive methods you know how to prepare the solution, how to dilute the solution....meaning the student receiving a lab paper from me in CADS lab, to finding out their exactly dilution equation, and mass or quantitative measurement to the exact number, how they begin their lab, or when they finish the lab, they will calculate not exceeding certain percentage error in it. 

For example, you flood your sample, you don't dry enough hours, your TA too lazy, or you are too early, to check in the product on your drying glasses. One of those details preparation works to the needie greedie, are all the PhD students are focusing on. 

To that simple definition of analytical chemistry, you will be acquired to be more qualitative and quantitative skills in that measurement, beside the lab skills. Its a lab. 

You calculate the theory, you measure the sample, from the original stock. You carry a protocol experimental steps, to yield something purely synthetical, that is only the chemical pound, you never spit inside with your bio cell in it....those are the chemistry lab.

Meaning the conclusion

In the final days of whatever you imagine those organic farming.

Its the me writing the reports to get rid of all of you on the soil testing, the near by or the underground water, that going into the civilian, or the residential area water pipe. However nice of you to become....the digital looking on a Photoshop diva, or else, that jail records you will show up the court room, legally blonde. 

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