
You know, there are things coming.....whatever your maturity staying on which terms, and everyone all broken up in piece...I tell you when I was with nick. My timing how I calculate its one year by one year. I calculate it. How long can 10 years be? I frighten, yes...everything its not developed and his attitude just worsen and worsen.

It was always this or that....

The human life its not long okay? You torture each other to make a point. You can just drop all the points and leave. So many people want to trumpet that world, let it be. 

People become edgy, its for the money. You hoping its a nicer people, not one of those criminal groups. So if you group the nice guys, you can just make that job easier.

You learn medicine, you learn alternative, you learn raw, you learn settlement of the laws.

You build your own career in the confident to how you communicate with another person. I think you yell at that someone with a curse word, must be. You don't stay home, so your parents leaving at works? There are given and taken....so its all selfish being boil down? You pray pray pray....Do you read your own Bible?

Have you heard the Groups karma, like a Collective Karma? So have you thought me Anna would be the most karmic burden human in this Entire World, in every job field?

Meaning, if you looking around the leadership, you become a bimbo, like me, Anna. If...I cook, I settle house, I share some pressure, and I don't use those words to making someone jealous or curve ways....of playing game, lying....that leadership its you go to hell, one of those? 

So If I becoming the leadership....I have no more karma? 

If you understand the priority, in which phase or faces, or that everything around, you make a way because that situation just never forever NEVER will favor you, you leave.

This Law Court Room can create a miracle, not to torn apart anything of anyone else somewhere they need to put the things together. That choice is not a freedom, its not a winning or a losing situation can put the stake back together. Whatever that is....leave.

Do you feel Some Wisers coming out? Might be the TV format, might be the lyrics, might be the design, might be someone, something, for something you connected....its on the way?

Or just all human mortal life? 

You put aside some belief long enough, you will see Hell long enough, ever understand what that is?

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