
There was a post on my facebook, not sure that is functional or not, its about a doctor pulling out of a worm form a screaming type of the girls' thumb.

I have always seen those people very often.

To what I define you, today any kinds of the medical complication, to what really happened inside the clinic, to what the real MD doctor seeing it....its not really what they related to the real world, how this "medical complication" comes to deep down, your entire lymph, or circulation system to that blood works, like I label how many video I keep saying it.....your blood its bad.

Although there are terms of each words do not register in you. Your health propel you some kinds of the personality, wanting to kill, wanting to propel an act of your eyes....gazing out. Its you are so acidic...within, or you don't buffer yourself enough some equip situation to handle your physical being, mental beings, and spiritual body...etc. etc.

To that mortal worlds that I see....its how pity, you don't know a thing you are doing. Its just as the karma manifest of that physical body, you will become. 

Exactly the joke of the World in front of the whole universe. Often, I will tell you wisely, how the ending of the ending really meet the eyes to the very end...those pity soul becomes how dreadful dead, age old, old sad eyes, no more spark lights of the same story tale, they fight fight fight spirits, were all just exactly like you.

Liberating, and thrusting.

But that time factor of what blinding them in faith to God, how those light never shine, or open a door...its one day, The Day When You Found Out. 

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