
Home Cooking (the local grocery shopping routes )

Home cooking to provide the meals of that 4 to 7, for example, every holiday seasons of a set menu, a set of dining ware, a set of borrowing outfit. For example, the Holloween in the United States might be different from those other tradition in the England, Oxthrodox in that Roman Catholics. The definition of the tradition its "with, or without", there are food symbol labels, there are food coloring labels, there are wrapping papers design Harmonica....one of those Jews in Western New York like me and Lee knew about this Keegan's family all crowd, including Anna's UB 4 blocks are populated nothing....but "Jews". Their holiday provide us the UB school, many supporting holiday, that every local known.

The local grown food, UB we have Green house on the lockport highway, some of this my UB honor class has this car, then they might travel with their parents to the near vincinity of that UB 4 blocks, its very near to that one exit normal road/highway, leading to 10 mins drive to that Green House. Its a box of Orange they sell. One full box.

This kinds of local grocery shopping for the entire family needs are the budgets saving revenue, year after year, if you considering the background of Elsa. Then, that will be endless saying from my part, what is the home cooking on the juicing without a juicer, but just American Military Doctor on Muculess Diet on Citrius Food Belt, that provide of Lemon, Grape fruits and Orange, to become my partner nick, the Bus driver, a professional TTC Canada street cart driver, his shocking moment to wake up in the car. There were many incident happened, how these wonderous Veganise jar bottle, I save, as the chemists jobs none stop of recycling the Glasses, not just the plastic bottle in my trash garage that living community provide, its a trash, what do you expect the chemist ever landing on a real jobs? That would be a home grow endless seeding methods from Califiornia Small Farmer Catalog, that ship the seed by air, and home grown by me, to sprouts, and become the disastrous of my best friend position, her landlord, one summer jobs, its to care the endless Basil Seed jobs. 

Meaning landlords those house around, he cares for the local plants. 

He is from Local.

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