
Anyone finish your Organic Farm, not on Home Cooking yet? How funny the same things cannot re-write about 100 times. How many times you can keep going on the Organic farming.

You care about the food, or you care about the consumer to know the Truth, so you become like Mike Adam, standing in front, finding a way, how to say the Truth. 


In the last 20 years, the new awareness of the Eco-friendly and renewable energy are on the uprising. To that the new mentality and the new technology next by us like Apple device, or the mobile phone in different branding that give us the convenience, so its this food trend, going more organic, and Earth soil friendly. Meaning less pollutant going in the Earth, and we taken less from the consuming too much resources that becoming the burden of our health.

To that saying, we taken more local produce, will save the transportation truck loads to the distant gas spending and we learn to focus on more on the local produce that related to our health issues provide by the local government. It is the eco-friendly ideas how we become frugel to learn about our food. We taken less resources to consume the food, if we become more focus on the local grown food. That is all that means when we speaking of the transportation costs, for example, from California to transport to Buffalo, New York.

There are many example I can give you how I participate the local produce while I was in Bufflao or in Canada. That is still far away from home Taiwan. 

Taiwan, its an Asian domain, that awareness are not as greatly push than that in the United States, everywhere you see, are the small chain store of the organic supplement stores, they are very expensive, and none of them are what I am looking for, but they carrying in in the Asian consumer markets. Meaning that trend are brought it in from the foreign lands.

There are several speakers they are the dominating effects of advocating their diet trend or the writers of that aspects of the healthy living, to the healthy fitness. I follow them many, and personally I don't really know whom they are.

But I distribute their name often to become the household name branding in the United States.

It does not happen in Taiwan, and it will probably never gonna happen here. People taken a lot of soy sauce, and that annual year of the Taiwan Medical Board, or the Chinese Medical Board will tell you what is the increasing of the "Washing Kidney" procedure becoming the aging factor to that progression growth rates in cancers. They don't necessary replace the kidney, they will need to washing it.

There are many tofu branding that consist of the preservative, or those salty flavor of anything they put in the mouth, in Asian territory alone, I will tell you, those we are not like the 3rd country, but to compare to the United State, where if you just purchase anything wildness guess those health branding of supplements, its a breathing for me, just seeing some of that, sometimes. Not the exactly right or wrong.

Its just how I breathing on people are always in that zone, to those whom....will always staying in 3 meals a day, very very salty, spicy, heavy heavy....of anything never on the relation on health, why I keep going on living, and everyone just sabbotage mentality, eating your way to disease and becoming that every hospital you walking in, its full packs of serious worse of...every condition met the "medical complication."

In the United States its lucky that, these movement of several raw food, juicing, or supplement including Co Q 10, I found a lotion or a cream here labeling on that, I putting in my own home, I will tell you, that is how I breathing on it....seeing that big word, like I used to hear people none stop talking about it, like nick. My ex-bf.

I don't mind hearing all the supplement, all the concentration forms of the background, I am the chemists, to all those termiology if you just keep repeating it like you knew it why the pron and con, as if your only hobby sounds like a right human ought to be living under the God's grace and light.

I will give you more credits than you imagined.

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