
If you hire a real chemist, doing all that procedure, you will see.....What its the supposed to be 4 Stove Skills in 30 mins. Not Rachel Rays.

You know what its your fire department per dust sewing clothese pieces of per surface ashes to become the first Degree burn on per surface skin......degree burn?

Its you cut those lime leaves, whatever leafy....to small surface area, supposed to be. 

I think if I called Jonas, tell him what to do in the cooking department. Jonas called Justin his acrossing lab Analytical, then Justin calling Dean whenever they finished...or I called Jonathon to find Brady Coke Cola?....Just making a room of a correct cooking 4 stoves skills management, you will all become Pale?

You know sometimes why, you had a facebook of the past? Like Friends? Sometimes its if per human quota, the guys having one recipe, including that Fatima, she becomes fat now. But if she does what she is good at.....we have a book!!!! Just from UB science classmates. 

One per each, very dedicating recipe. Just one recipe!!! Quality recipe.

No, the Bok Choi...no, not that kind of processing.

You have to open up the entire roots up....to go under the facet...keep washing all the sand out, and soak in the salt, and not floating, the bowl on top to keep in the water ....

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