
My son in-laws, I have ...sorry, 2 daugher-in-laws marrying to Mimmo and Tony, nick's son, were one of them I fish out the credit reports before Carla got married to Tony, she is nearly bankcrupt in the 90s.

You know what happened after that nick reading that report I pay for it? 

My entire hell life, including using that property to Tony's perfect ring, you know how much it costs to ship from California, while both them are in debts? They born 2 kids having no money, and we move away that property to shelf up, that West Virginia beech entire furniture money in garage, nick stretch his personal line credits to purchase a combine land, originally were that for combine future to sell with the existing property.

You know what NSYNC telling me "Gone", that one video, how we 3 family get together having one dinner, on Dimitri's birthday, it was a PERFECT cartoon BIG cake, not that small tiny cake on her. Justin tells me, or Dean told me. It was no dinner, but the artificial dye on cakes. Its not when her entire perfect family come from west virginia, they might have food, its either they don't have the money for food, or its just they showing off to her side of family, how her daddy put her in his house, all those year, make her wedding days, how the New days were her perfect sister to living in it.

So her entire marriage in order to win, win win...she stays on the phone to her daddy daddy daddy where its the house? Its NEVER hers, its her daddy's name.

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