
Me and nick doesn't have a lot of money, to that one California Sun, and land, you can generate a good stuffs on the land. Its all things begins in the calfornia agriculture. Its true.

Let's say, you keep the right math, on the expense.

So Eben he does what he does best, to guide, to sway, to mingle the couple therapy, My only jobs its to generate a pretty table, and sufficient food that one day, morning to evening. A confident meals.

Have you sit in one house, that as grown up people, you don't seen the cooked right food on the table, and you go hungry certain time, and you cannot always get a snack when you want to. the dinner time, its....just only few things, because of the money are tight tight tight?

There are people living in that life. Guys or the girls. But guys have more jobs than the girls.

In my field - Science

Its always the guys exists, you just have to work with them, no matter what in the end.  You don't go and making them hate each other. You don't sway them, so they taken on your side, and they themselves broken up in piece....its always they side, your side, then one day, you drop them all, and leave.

What else can you do? You have a life to continue to live. You all love doing things straight up in the wrong head. 

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