
Birds, do you go to sleep yet?

You have the coordination when you learning about the Math, to that vector you define from the ground it where you toss up, not coming it down. So you saying X or Y in the most intuitive sense, you just assuming everything throwing a trajectory up curving up, and coming down on the horizontal sense. Not the yesterday sense. Those called the "Free Landing", v=gt 自由落體, the Simon's that square boxes behind background represent. That is a known term, a known experiment, a known situation, you should just memorize that entire things never leave that term.

To the most other things when you saying you just intuitively stand there, and start tossing a ball in your hand to another person, similar height. If that guy is not there, your position A to landing at the B, while the big ball, medium Wal-Mart ball touch the ground, because the B person is not there. It will always fallen right at the ground no matter what.

It will never go beneath the ground.

That saying you have the formula in the x you see y here. Below....

I used to telling you the math in that sin, or cos, tan, cot, sec, csc, its the piano hand gesture how it hands up in your memorization

Sin = The straight height over the / 

Shut up ! (Wind)

That is called the sin degree, usually you mean that angle were toward the Right ....

Your door on the left, remember? I picking up my ground garbage human, you will be at the left, that is the triangle end. 

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