
Is Michael Vartan has anything to do with anyone?

Smash hits Award, Best Hair Won.

Guess what is the next sentence? Pain like Hell! 

You know what I heard yesterday? You need that lawsuit 472 points from 50 up to? Harry Potter is 50 points on that ! 


Westlife - Amazing


Want to try again?

Gravity is not g. Its a force you coming right down, or two planets hits each other, oh ~ you don't want that ! You have an Earth and the moon, so you think that is normal! 

There is a reason why a Satellite are drawn to the planet itself, its the gravity, that is a Force field. Force.

Force by definition  = F= ma.

a = aceleration.

on Earth will always be a= 9.8m/s2, so they give that points a as g. When you seeing g, that is an acceleration, except most a, when you define the horizontal, you have a vector going down, and going horizontal parallel to the ground "Up." - you will never go below the ground. You land before you going under the ground, so that horizontal factor will always be on the ground. Never below going down further than the vertical vector can drawn upon.

In that sense, you have this force mechanism, you must understand, if you drop, things will forever fallen. Like the Newton Law on the Apple.

You can have a theory, you can have seen facts, but you yourself cannot becomining. if you are not born to believe the fact in 9 generation every birds fly? You want to now just go to the birds and do a fact check if 9 generation they are forever flying? If you want to make yourself a point, that is a forever flying creature called the birds, but you will have a validate proven that 9 generation the birds are? Still flying.

So when saying mg

it is ma.

W is Force, your own Weight.



a on Earth is forever 9.8m/s2 =g

You relabel that a as g, and when you speaking of any g to any physicist will always tell you that value is forever 9.8m/s2.

Those are the most basic definition. At least I have that!!

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