
Again....Physics | Lab and by theory.

Don't you gone to a lab? I went to the UB physics lab. I don't remember UK Lab. You trying to imagine the real thing, or you imagine to be like me, no lab required? 

Every Science has to go by a book, and a lab results, that lab results has to be your 5 sense can define what is really seen, and unseen (X ray, infred red) 

Those are the chemistry light spectrum.

Do you define first?

What is you supposed to define, which part of the textbook to that Professor you select the university its by which interests that motivate you, you know how much? So now we are in the physic department. To your sequence how you learning that science by definition, you have a chemistry, a physic, and a biology. So overall, what these subject in each of them that motivating your learning curve? There are the math involved in all of them. In all of their lab basic measurement you will not have an error in calculating the result? 

By theory meaning by your brain power to show up a concept, let's say you present yourself a thesis, and where is that the end results you will deliver a 100% lab report meaning theoretical value to the experimental real value in the end what you really get? Not by theoretically that is not the reality now? Your reality yielding will be your lab errors or humidity, or you are absent minded? 

Math are used in all chemistry, all physics, including the biology real lab by the measurement, not just your stocking department, that is Farima's jobs, or saying Dr. Bing Shen or Lee's incubator growing the e-coil, they just live in the incubator without purchasing?

d = distance

In English you using a word called displacement. In Chinese will be distance. 

A basic velocity means how you travel in between the air, how you landing, or flying? Against the gravity.....you have to know if that velocity all by itself a self propel? Alive things? No! 

A ball is an object, it didn't increase a speed all by itself. And that speed in the correct term are label as the "velocity", to that acceleration because of the gravity dropping it natural phenomenon, you gonna say its man made, the human efforts? *shut up birds.

(You want to be throw outside the building, see if you landing? )

You didn't talk about anything on the friction?  Those are the car tiers on the curves, you imagine the Buffalo Icy snow, their winter budget not just underground the pipe exploded....too cold break?

You know why their car has to go and hit something? That is your experimental results. What happened to the safety measurement, like an air bag? Those are you seen, you hear, you feel when you are inside, or outside, or passing by, by the color?

The consumer wants its one thing, its by the man power, or by the girls' purchasing degree?

So you have a target market research.

You are not going to be a distribution center. You are just a researcher to coming out a material science material, you hope those Realistic company comes to you find this material will be add on to your Car new purchase those tier outside rim shining metallic? That is an add-on price, you seeing your car catalogs, or now that is Volkswagen thing?

You getting a degree, doesn't mean you finding a thesis to stay in the lab, once you get out of the PhD, unless you are so sure about the Post-doc, you know you will stay in, in that career field? And which direction that is? By imagination, or by calculation, or by book, or by theory? Which theory exactly what you reading the textbook forward, that has anything that ends at Prince George New Film?

That past 1921 Bohr's model? 

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