
You don't understand that copy machine my copy right papers on the ground, I have to pick it up, last time I say? You all looking at this video?

Its the same direction of the left side =their first floor door. My entire garbage on the ground to pick up my paper, and here you come? How big is your foot, you want to tell the guys, to that imagination how tall you are standing there? Your foot....

Chinese we used to have a tradition ....my grandmom's mother. 


When someone has to do something, there is a situation where things got done first, to last. Meaning by every day efforts, you planning your life gradually to meet your goal. Sometimes you don't even know what that life ahead of you is what. You wish the God be your guide, in your quiet time.

And what did you all do on the television, nothing but psycho. Its just ET says granting your 4 bubble tea, you could just marching yourself to the Washington D.C and see the American really do to you. That China you mean their Top didn't do anything, the American are worsen.

Your attitude are nothing mild, behave manner, how can I even describe you....violence, shouting, like a blacken women, cursing words, spitting...you just didn't chew a bubble gum, and pop!  

Let me guess, I imagine Justin T did that, Dean or that near by Justin did that. 

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