
If you gonna tell me that relativity, that NASA guy on the moon, is outside his body, not feeling his hands, so that he doesn't know the initial.....values. (Sailor Saturn)

I can tell you, you usually doing a physics lab on the delta has a reason, how you recording has to have a value. When you starting at a "value or definitilon" has to be true, no matter which position the things drop at. From the tall Earth, or the middle length of that tall, height.

Normally you remember the formula, that formula I don't remember, but...by that definition its written, I will tell you that is what it defined, so that set value has to be equal to the initial value.

That will be what they are told the value at. 

Zawanna say if his hand holding on my butt on my bed?

The butt doesn't fall off when his hand let go. The bed is rise higher, it is the ground point, but saying you have a potential to my marble floor, or all the way to the buttom of the ground floor, so here its the hoovering on the 8th floor potential + the bed height. 

But my butt is glue on my body, it cannot be fallen, no matter his hand is there or not there.

Unless my butt just fallen, the bed is still there I am on it. 

The way I know you all military human at....

You have no brain, not to say the basic definition no matter how it changed.

You have a very very very rudimentary basic lab runs style....that has to be remembered, why you doing it. Its every interval time measurement difference equal delta. 

You have the ending timer, so that is usually V2, but if you slice that distance fallen 3/4,1/2, 1/4

You die on the basic definition, those formula never changes. Never changes.  You use your pen records in the UB that physics lab.

We, me Jonathon, Wing, Ola, Hira. Fatima.

Dean is not in it.

Jonathon or Wing they recording it. That value has to be greater than...."You beginning at?"

Anastasia, At the Beginning...if Jonathon rise up from his chair bench, to go and use a pen to write a lab sheet down value. Its = "There is a value so you write."

If any given point, didn't start, or didn't pen at, you don't have a lab sheet to fill in. There is no value, no matter what.

So saying you measure a distance height like 5 Km Earth altitude height. kilermeter.

You stack up those gym Sakura Card, you jumping gym tradition in Japan. What do they called it, you use your hand hold it, and jump over. The gym boxes.

So that is a solid height. 

You place at 3/4,1/2, 1/4 ....those solid material made foam. You put an object on top of that mounting texture cotton?! 

That value does not start no matter what. No matter how you look at it, your senior officer just ladder high to reach that point, and place an object on top. It will FOREVER never move.

But if you remove the structure, you just invisible looking at that space and time, right now 3 points are all airy.

Your commander, ladder the same height, put that object to the air, it will start dropping.

The moment he let go. 

Got it?

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