
⭐️ Container 1 ⭐️⭐️ Container 2 .....Oven and microwave its where the heating things up inside the office. I don't even have a divider ....⭐️ Technically they move my building yesterday I just didn't say. Not the brand new one. It is the Palo Alto one. Today I leave!

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Happy ?! 

Those human called Westlife💰🇺🇸   has some classify materials💰🇺🇸 , so that is why I making the food?  They can just get the 10 alumnium foil, there are decoration veggie, wash, cut, sort. with the plastic bags that assort more veggie and washed olives? Your can olives need to be washed, soaked, washed, soaked, washed....about 3 times. Those salt will come out. They have a security issue, and plus they getting 10 container, they can eat in their grand hotel lobby, with their happy security teams, or all around. 10 container food, that is you have 5 people each carry 2 in the taxi to imagine how you transport food back.  

Everything you supposed to get, i already told you, write you, photo you, Pinterest you. That is all I know. Unless you have any particular diet order, I won't be knowing what you allergic until you open your mouth. That is Square Square at the Gluten Free restaurant.

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