
German and Austria - Adrian.


Austria has this SMCH = Supreme Master Ching Hai = 清海無上師 her cult Vegan Hotel, one of the Kind. She has this Dr. Janez Slovenia President book in the SMCHbook Taiwan publishing business, herself. Taiwan has some vegetarian / vegan options. You will see less fat, and built some more genuine to that religious nature - ought to be goodness to continue your own evolution.... if that is what you understand the brain inside, literacy in both English and in Chinese, it will seem to be more a developing skill rather than saying "a talent". Capish?


他應該去看看柯南 (世紀末的魔法師)  

Why is that?

This? Michael Vartan is the PETA in Virginia, he went to the wrong side? of the spectrum? He doesn't speak English. He speaks German.



He looks alike



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