
You trying to create more homey - like those finger food. I show you American Electric small pan like 9 small finger food? You stack them up in the alumnium foil. Its a finger food. You can create a different texture.

You cannot have too many eggs things in one day intake.

So let's say you coming out some flour recipe to reduce those egg using methods. You have cheese, but you have a mixture, that more fluppy, you try all that to coming out one-time recipe?

What is that so important, they don't like those things, they go and buying something else. 

You know what those fan clubs meant doing? As long as a ribbon on the Top, they say they receive, you say you eat it or leave it on the Top of the shelve as if that is ribbon made ! Pretty ! 

How fan clubs meant the tear in my eyes next second. That is all you ever do things in life.

I forget I have a home made bread type. Like you insert the olives, or red oily peper, those Can Jar American selling them Artichoke. You insert inside the bread when they rise, or they can just eat it the Rasin too... 

You know how big is one alumnium foil? Its per 15 mins each side. You dump 5 trays in, at my current home. Its full.  Maybe cut them in strips like those Wheat Germ Recipe, for your Hunger Game. I don't have a wheat germ.

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