
Never mind. Did you see this job, don't require your brain to work? Just your 2 hands keep cutting?


You just want the money to pays off....life. Not you have an inclination what you gear to do? By destiny .... People think about life, they think inside their brain, about their future, by imagination the utopia world, or their too perfect phisolophy worlds, they live on in that norm.

You happen to all be in, you need the money life world. Guys or the girls? I think its best you finding a niche, like they given you some blue prints, you step by step finding yourself to the end. It came with less degree you keep vola. You finding a skill, a job, a really stable job ...not I picking it up every paper on the ground, my dress are short skirt with a crown, that every jobs are on the ground to pick up junk yard sale. That never pays the bill. And drop in the garbage can. 

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