
I can tell you the basic things....

X =X0+V0t+1/2 at2

I don't remember this, I will tell you. I remember the V = V.....+ 1/2at2

Now....The way I read that first line, the value when you saying the moon, that is destination at zero. So that formula has to re-write. 

But when you saying you drop from the very tall Earth or tall Moon, still...when they fallen in the middle of that path...these formula has to stand true no matter what.

That is why you have most basic definition starting on delta time, or delta distance. 

t o r, you put a triangle in front of them.

When they given you any formula, you gone to this physics lab, they always measure at the initial to every internal dropping down time. That is how the Simon those behind tower experiment supposes to be. Your entire physics can only measure by t

t= Time. That is the physical human labor effort, you see, you record, your timer at. Those are very very basic, how you running an experiment, as far as you can see, and as far as you can record.

So that formula given you, in any physics side, it will stand true even in the middle of the path.

Earth Tall, or the Moon Tall

Before the reaching it the ground, there is a middle point, or you slice 3 times. Meaning per quarter, that time, delta time, delta d = distance difference

Every part of that component has to forever = that formula they find you, they tell you that is true. If you telling me your initial value is not at zero, you meant you are bind to that object right in the middle never stop fallen, you are still fallen, so you have a speed and acceleration.

When NASA that guy holding it in his hand.

That is Zero, zero on both feather and a hammer. It is not moving. There is no initial number on distance, not on time. You are not even starting it yet.

But it looks a very short eye seeing experiment. You panic.

You just look at the formula....I gonna tell you, there is no component in that formula, that is zero. 

X =X0+V0t+1/2 at2

"zero, zero" (NASA supposes to know what I say, exactly) 

Why I am so sure that is "Zero" "Zero"?

They are holding it. No. He is holding it?!  Its inside his hand, nothing is moving. You haven't dropped it yet, where is the initial value? At zero to start.

No, I mean the formula inside, that is 2 zero.

Not just if not the formula, of course that Feather and the Hammer?

Zero, Zero, Zero, Zero.

NASA will know what that means. 

You all have a blind spot too, when they teaching you the physics on the horizontal, or the vertical. You dropping it down, you turn around like the X man in the sky, that is the initial value coming down. You got this whole things wrong....your entire 3D vision, you don't shift yourself. 

You define what is the initial value. You never start, you never have a value!!!!

How true, how true. (Dr. Steven Hairfield Concur that...idiot!  Shut up ! )


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