
Eben groups are nothing but those theory makes the dreams coming true....defining your essence, what you love the most. These entire junk TV, fill up nothing but you all wish for. Not Lee wishing for. You yourself wishing it for.

Do you want to go to your parents, when you were a toddler, did they do those Chinese Grabbing a tool to start?

You hate this you hate this, you hate this 1 to 1000.



Give me a definition what is your zealous moment? 

Giggling with a gang, to speed up on the highway with Keanu Reeves back end seat, like Adam & Hailey? Why don't you go and find the guy?

You have to feel inspired that life motivating you. Not keep doing the opposite. You keep going to where the social standing everyone expecting you to be someone you are not.

This society means as long as you know your basic line is, how you be dead when you be dead, its your entirely freedom as long as you didn't do that on purpose. 

Finding your freedom to be happiness? 

Brat Pitt hate certain furniture to becoming all metalic glasses types just like that Sweet Nov the beginning, the plot = they separate. Check Ellen Degenerate? 

You hate you hate you hate every degree of something, why don't you make a list and admit to it, no one knows that piece of paper, til when you fullfill your destiny, to finding that most vola zealous every eye sight, someone paying you keep doing it those psycho move.

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