
When you hydrate enough, you don't tend to eat SUPER big things all at once, you know that?

Hydration meaning, you watching your intake of the fluid, by per hour daily. I guess, I didn't do this you all saying the resume and CV things because that is the only way in life, so I keep doing pouring down the water through my body.

As a girl, that pain, you are not scared? 

I want to find out a reason, to my life. Not necessarily anyone telling me in the middle age, at that time, I might have a problem, because the guy they don't really hear about this things.

I had a hobby, but up to now, if I observe all this health nutrition things I did, and you all becoming more painful daily on the period cycle, you do know your body screaming has a reason? You have to fix it?

If you taken more right food.

Right amount of the good water

Some supplements.

You apply heating pad, or hot water bottle. learn it well. You gonna get very scared when you really aged old? That body will not be like younger years, you can stretch the pain and find out?

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