
Yeah, I can tell you what Kail telling me. I don't really believing it...that much. But there are people whom taken my stuffs to go, their own house whatever ghosty situation.

... ... they play the tapes on, like those they use SMCH.

Except, there is no video I was talking to the Ghosty.

It becomes worsen. 

You have to know, these people whom are normal human, like you and I. They hate the ghosty, but they probably will use the ghost if they can control them. But they are happy more if the ghost response to them, for there is something about back and forth exchange interests.

I will tell you....that is the worsen situation I ever heard. Because when you are in a human form, you have certain will power, to say humanity. You didn't lose it all. You, really imagine a lot of wrong things whichever ways I seeing it. Kail didn't say this part, he says things got worsen.

My part was I seen them happy, the ghost response to them. 

That is wrong wrong wrong. But all right, you all love keeping doing that.

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