
We talked about the period, remember last year? Not I am tired of hearing myself....everyone tired of hearing about it?

Taiwan is a very liberal society, so I tell you, they air a public this legistrator house representative, a girl. You know what her real living quarter looks like? Clothing everywhere, you have no road to walk on, no seat to sit in it. You know how horrific that looks to you?

You use tampon, right? The boys or the guys don't know where the smells come from?

Have you seen my Japanese tubes? Not the regular bath tube, you walking in, meaning step up in, when you are in, you raise up your knee up up up up, because those bucket, its height?!

You got a taller bath tube? Mine is a glass door, so this setting, no matter what I step up, your bathtube are shower curtain right? Can you find a position to step your knee up?

Can you see, can you smell, or do you smell yourself while you sitting down at your PC, you don't wear a underwear??? Skirts? 

Washing Procedure

You have hot water, cold water, or lukewarm water. Can you see where the washer device, or you seeing the facet, or your shower head? That is a long holding, or they just coming out from the top?

Mine are the long holding, AND a brand new those....rain dropping New Facet on the Top.

You can see in the hot steam warm shower? You wear eye glasses or you guess you touching your everywhere, you hate touching yourself, everywhere, or you know where you are not suppose to touch, including the down parts? 

If you don't dare to touch yourself down parts, there are hair, you gonna assume which guy ever look at it, or imagine they touch or they imagine you are scared yourself, the hair parts?

Long holding shower device

Its better you have one of those long holding, you got too fat, you can knee down from behind, and use the lower facet just keep rinse from behind. But too fat people, those bath tubes are way too small for you to bend down knee, and crawl? 

When you have a long holding shower facet, you have 2 thigh, one up on the buckets, its almost 90 degree angle. My karma looks different from you. 

There is a thigh, on the left, thigh on the right.

There are 2 joint line, its your abdomen to the thigh, there is a line, that two lines goes to your hair places, you washing that one left legs internal with the soap, to that pelvic line, to the abdomen, where is your descending colon, to the baldder, to the right side ascending colon, to that line, to the thigh internal with soup. Including then, you rub those bathing soap liquid, or gel, to the hair area, not yet down.

The really down parts, you have to open all the skins, or muscle, in what kinds of the layers, open it up, like you paper folding UP,  OUT

OUT Squeeze outwards, every parts of the skins, all the way to the hairy parts.

So that would be from internal Anal

Internal Uterus

Internal Pee those side by muscle

To you squeeze push forward to your hairy near your bladder, you squeeze up, so you seeing it red, when you squeeze? You are the white color race?

You squeeze, to every soup on it every poles, stays there like 1 mins, standings, don't wash it. You will start to feel these soupy solution are very ......itchy. True. They are made to rinse it immediately. Just stay 30 seconds at least.

Then you wash with the warm water.

Or cold water if your showering quota per days its not once.

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