
Make-up, did you imagine what I say, "what if", you just do once, those Babaji meant it "simplify" your life. Just one word?

Wal-mart foundation its a bottle, I remember. Not the powder form. I mean the creme.

You apparently require a lot more than that.

I Anna told you, because my skin base color, its not possible to finding a match color, I can only does the eye make-up, the rest its wasting my money. First, the make-up are too much money to me, I remember I was born without the faces, I didn't remember I born to buying a make-up in my money.

You want to improve your diet, so that a perfect health indicator included, you do the double saving. Someone like me is very Higher Up, meaning, if you know your math skills, to do double, triple, quadriple saving, you will demonstrate me your brain capability how you are.

What things to be appreciated about. 

I need my every penny, to be exactly place where I want them to be. 

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