
We usually just file the paper works, not that we are a real ghost expert knowing where or when the ghosty spirits, they were, they stay, they will be, those things....you have no records of those appearance anyway.

But the phenomenon I have heard, its been studying at. 

In SMCH, that will be more like a typical worlds, where some people going in, saying they are the astrology people, or fortune telling people, or you cannot predict, or that hours or time will be changed. Yes, I have heard those. 

Asia they have plenty those. 

In the Typical Bible, it will be your doctrine, ideal to similar to an Enlighten Master if were not jailed ideal....those are supposed to be Indian Buddhism, I never heard those in Chinese Buddhism, you have a Master? We don't have a religion here.

Now "God's will to be done." Meaning if God says you go and liberate the sentient beings, on your missionary, you never go and becoming the jail human, like we seen here.

So to accordance to my map here, most people by now, knowing what are the planes of all consciousness those basic lay out, including the SMCH UN those 5 Worlds sayings. Astral in the Yogananda Master telling him, some glimps of the possibility, lower astral, and the higher astral. 

"The Day When You Found Out."

I can tell you most SMCH groups people, are nothing but complaining she was 5th, not 9th, they all going with her.....one of those power never enough or too great to all swallowing down for the popularity 2 seconds on that SMTV talking like they know something about it. They are all like that. 

Its best you always adhere that rules "Gods' will to be Done." No matter whichever that will suppose to be.  That will be my best advice to you when the times comes. You know what you are inside, you know what shortcut, and great way all this numbers, explaination, wants, desire, targeting, being calculative.....

It will be your own fault. 

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