
They guys they also love to eat, so they do redudant things. The girls traditional values, if for the guys, you decide you doing the redudant things? What if.....you cannot keep on doing the liver flush, you still eating those.....very ungirly diet?

They used to say the girls represent like the Venus ideas?

No more soy sauce

No more BBQ sauce

No more ketchup

No more fried food

No more Spicy liquid sauce

No more Spicy chilly sauce Tasbco

No more Spicy Chilly paste

No more Big Chulky Fat Meats, not dice. Your teeth bite on it.

No more 3 cook meat, 7 done Fat?

No more coke, diet coke, Dr. Pepper, Mountain Dew, 7-up, Pop Drinks.

No more Cereal

No more Rice, pasta, gravy.....Thanksgiving per yearly waiting homey homey foods? What do you eat in Thanksgiving and Christmas?

Yeah, I live on the synthetic snack, keep my teeth biting, or else.....like it was.

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