
太好笑了~ 紅矮星的太陽風叫做爆炸每多久就爆炸一次~~ lolololololololol too funny. There is this short red Sun explode every so often on their solar wind

Its not just the liquid water or the atmosphere disappear....your entire electric grill will never be functioned if too near whatever they say. 

他們說霞咪? SETI 計畫? 

NASA has a SETI 計畫,尋找生命的意義,那這個電影 1997 年是那邊的東西嗎 ? 

哇哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 (10:50) 他們在說製作一個星球,怎麼那個男生後面有一個什麼? 狗嗎 ?


我看這種東西也覺得很煩,全部都是重複一堆石頭! 星球叫做行星就是石頭嘛~~怎麼一直在講這種東西沒停過,全部都長一樣的東西,不是適居帶就是離太陽多遠,太陽大小,一堆名字長一樣.... 

這些石頭上面只有可能有水的狀況,你們也不覺得聽到很煩 ...

行星就是說所謂有大氣層適合人居住,類似聖經講的情況,古代很多這種故事的 ! 我聽到都很煩因為通常講說...兒童百科說一個孕育生命的系統是很久很久很久很久....

這有可能嗎? 全部都是 barren land. 

很煩 ...

我的...this side, that AI says, or whichever screening your 9 years....There are a let's say, we fix a point, I forget what I see, they are in the same domain.

Probably not important. One if at 9 oclock, the other its at 1oclock, that kind of height to each other. What for I don't know. 

One of those garbage.....what this use for.

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