


Its because you done so much math, the moment you seeing 50 cents to 35 cents minus, it will forever be 15 cents.

100-75=25 that is a quarter

75= 25x3 all the time.

8x8=64, but that can be divided by 4, you seeing 8 and 8 half. 

17x3= 51 that is often also in your tests questions. It will always fix at 17 or 3. Because they are all...well, how do you define those number words says. 17 and 3 are 質數 and 51 will never be 2 divided. No matter what.

16x4= 64, we already talked about it. There are things you done that by the 5th time, you already it repeated about thousands times.

I think you blank out, it doesn't matter its a multiplication table, add, or subtract. If asking you any other kinds of geometry and linear algebra, I highly doubts you even know what is the application why those things exist in the real life formats, how or exactly why we learning the math for, starting so young? 

You don't hate yourself, you didn't learn a thing in life? That is entire tuition money disappeared.

Your America money, has nothing but quarter! Similar like the Canadian.....

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