
When you becoming ghost....you mean, you listen to me talking to my classmate?

I tell you what I used to hear those supersiticious human having a dream about that 911, in SMTV stuffs.

People whom suddenly die, they were all not prepared to die, like instantly. They are shocked to die, not prepared to die. Let's say, you know in the morning you wake up every morning, lunch, its where you go and grab a lunch?!

Everything was planning that in the end of the day, you gonna go home, and be on the phone?

So that one day their schedule was disrupted, they die. No more regular life. 

I am actually waiting my lawsuit, to when this Goverment or whom gonna shut down this SMCH saying, she saying real, or she saying true, so I don't bother telling you anything she used to say....whatever the process that entailing about this "Meditation she require all human does 2 and half hour, by dying daily."

My classmate, I highly doubts they will die together, and be label as "911 victim", that is what you called the group soul, some label. 

Most people die, they wish its their family member next by them, their sibling, their what next by them. Some die in illness, cancer, or surgery, or some die in the sleep when they becoming too old.

But they cannot just all die together, at the same time, on the same day.....

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