
You all seem to be in a culture, where dating, or knowing someone are so easily accessed. You don't focus too well, if you replaced yourself upon those games all the time. Meaning, you wish someone to be your dad, watching you over eating, cleaning, house keeping, car driving, jacket picking, picking you up included.

SMCH used to say, you write it down the list you wish the guys to be, and you go and find it.

Those TV guys inside the movie plots will never happen, okay?! Just drop it, and saving your money, for some reasons you will have to find a better paid jobs, for whichever the life you set on too. I will personallity tell you, all the problems starting when you accumulated your debts. The car debts, the house debts, the mortgage payment, the credit cards debts included.

Because I don't have those things, meaning included the junk yard sale those, I can tell you, what is inside your mind, and my mind is different. And therefore, other people like the banker, the banking industry will know you fake it all the way. Your dress, your walking routine, your gym membership, or somewhat they might have a whole list, you are lying from the Day 1 to Day 1000.

It might look like the bank never knew you have a debts, as if they never personally knocking it on your door. I still hope you will listen. Don't play fool, on those a really really important on your money accounting idea, how you structure your life.

Because these things I tell you, they do exist.

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