
Can you imagine this, this Sakura Cards at 90s, and in 20 years, they are 22 episode in Clear Cards? I used to faintly heard this, very small petty naive looking.

Did I tell you in 2020, this on Mommo channel like every week, and weekend on Clear Cards, and they keep doing that 45, to 22, to keep repeating, repeating, repeating....so the whole year, you know how many rounds its 45 weekday mommo, 22 weekend still mommo.

That will be channel 24.

I always feel I seeing the strange things at very strange odd moment, in front of me. ALL THE TIME. Have I told you that? 

Sorry, not 45, its 70, to 22.

Wa hahahahahahahahah.........

Did I just see this Tim Cook somewhere with that hair style?

I think you have a wish on the cards.

That would be growing height to tall, then, one of this "guessing random a true love", as if just dropping from the street other than the TV told you, or the System style or a Match Maker.

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